Weekly Sunday Gathering with Rev. Meghan Reinhart
Title: “The Parable of the Barren Womb”
Description: Rev. Meg contemplated a metaphor for the illusion of self and the nature of consciousness. The concept of ‘I Am’ is understandable as long as it exists as a concept. However, once it merges into its original state, there is no longer a subject who desires to know. The illusory entity disappears, and the root of consciousness becomes the focus of inquiry. All actions are carried out by the child of a barren woman, and all problems are those of consciousness. Therefore, it is crucial to investigate the nature of our existence to uncover the source of consciousness.
Reading: Audrey Whitehead read The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) Revelations, Chapter 1, and an excerpt from Nisargadatta Maharaj’s “A Barren Woman”.