Title: “Living in the Question: Following the Voice of Love to Recognition of the Self”
Description: Many beautiful teachings reveal the “truth” of our identity, but do we truly know it ourselves? How can we come to know this directly? The exploration of self is not merely an intellectual exercise; it demands a deeper engagement with the Heart.
The true questions of the Heart cannot be answered by the mind, for the mind cannot carry us beyond the limits of its learning. The false cannot speak of truth. If you would “Know Thyself,” you must ask the silent depths within and listen for Love’s answer.
The journey towards self-realization invites us to pause and reflect, to explore the silent spaces where true knowledge resides. Through this journey, we can begin to peel back the layers that obscure our essence and allow ourselves to be guided by a profound sense of love and understanding. As we embark on this path, we may find that the answers we seek are not as far away as they seem.
On January 1st, a yearlong contemplative program will commence in the sanctuary dedicated to exploring our Hearts questions. We will use the Thoughts of Awakening as the springboard for our contemplation.
Reading: Sami Ross read from The Way of Transformation, Lesson 9: Question 1 – “How do you know if you are truly being guided?”.