Title: “Why is the ‘I am bad’ belief still here?”
Description: You’ve watched yourself more and more attentively as you’ve progressed on the spiritual path. You’ve learned about the ego’s preservation strategies. You have clearly seen the “I am bad” belief AND you have given your willingness not to believe it again. Heck, you’ve even taken the Releasing The ‘I am bad’ Belief Retreat. What exactly is the deal? Why is it still here, seemingly just as virulent as ever?
Join Rev Anne Blanchard as she explores these questions and shares her learning and re-learning (and re-learning and re-learning).
Reading: Lisa Bakke read excerpts from Chapter 8, “Practices & Techniques” from Awake, by Angelo DiLullo. This reading was further contemplated during this meditation. To deepen into this teaching you may feel called to this meditation which is available on our meditation podcast.