Title: “Living Your Spiritual Path”
Description: Ultimately, each of us journeys through life the same way: by starting at the beginning and finishing at the end. Our journeys diverge and become unique because of the paths each of us take. Our unique paths are the only paths we get to take: We are never somebody else, walking somebody else’s path, on somebody else’s life journey.
Although this metaphor of life as a journey is simple and common, it is also deep and complex. During this homily, we will explore our unique, individual paths to awakening and discuss pragmatic, actionable steps we can take to supporting ourselves and one another on different paths of awakening.
Reading: Laura “Joy” Bedford read from Chapter 45 of Tao Te Ching: An Interpretive Translation to Live By, by Regina Dawn Akers, and passages from A Mind at Home With Itself, by Byron Katie, The Experience of No Self, by Bernadette Roberts & Unveiling the Mystery (Unpublished) by David Hemphill.