Join us at 10:15 am ET/ 7:15 am PT for our Weekly Gathering with George Maddox, LM
Join us at 5:00 pm ET/ 2:00 pm PT for The Mighty Companions
Revs. Glen Ganaway and Yolanda Mapes share a delightful, funny and inspiring hour of A Course in Miracles. Come join in on the fun, the laughs, and the music while unlearning the ego through the lessons and chapters of ACIM.
Join us at 6:00 pm ET/ 3:00 pm PT for Something Genuine with Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert facilitates this program, in which Awakening Together members and friends join together to watch and discuss TED talks that reveal the Truth of ourselves and our universe based on the actual experience of ordinary people. Their insights are genuine—not based upon theory or dogma—and give us a “man on the street” perspective on what we are coming to learn through Awakening Together.
Join us at 7:00 pm ET/ 4:00 pm PT for The Guiding Light with Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Regina Dawn Akers reads selections from books by Bernadette Roberts. The purpose of this inspired book study is to learn from one who walked through the final doorway to no self, no world, no God–Only Reality.
Join us at 8:00 pm ET/ 5:00 pm PT for Movie Discussion Group
This month’s movie discussion group will be facilitated by Ron Raitz.
Join us for the discussion of this movie starring Jack Black as Hal Larsen, a shallow man rapidly approaching middle age whose superficiality can be attributed to his father’s deathbed admonition to only date young, beautiful women. Hal and his best friend, Mauricio (Jason Alexander), have taken the advice to heart, but Hal finds all of his physically impressive girlfriends consistently lacking in other qualities that would make them ideal mates. When he bumps into self-help guru Tony Robbins (playing himself), the motivational entrepreneur is intrigued by Hal’s predicament and hypnotizes him so that he’ll only see the inner beauty of women. Hal is quickly smitten with Rosemary Shanahan (Gwyneth Paltrow), a blonde Peace Corps volunteer who’s tenderhearted, funny, and intelligent. She is also gorgeous and meets Hal’s basic criteria of outer perfection, but what he doesn’t realize is that Robbins’ spell is working and he cannot see that Rosemary actually weights 300 pounds. When Mauricio is finally able to snap Hal out of his charmed state, Hal’s in love with the inwardly perfect woman and must overcome his obsession with beauty.