Awakening Together’s primary place of gathering for communal spiritual focus is our online Sanctuary. We call it the Awakening Together Sanctuary because it is like a temple, mosque, synagogue, church or ashram to us. Our intention is to create a respectful and kind environment where our members and friends may be focused on spiritual enrichment.
The Sanctuary is a place to share and teach, to associate, extend love, inspire and be inspired. We invite everyone to participate in our Sanctuary with reverence, respect, kindness and discernment. Awakening Together has developed etiquette guidelines for participation in the Sanctuary to promote the spirit of our intention. The Sanctuary etiquette guidelines are:
- Listen and respond to the current speaker with respect and kindness.
- Respect includes regard for one’s feelings and for one’s spiritual point of view. Respect does not necessarily mean agreement, since everyone is asked to use discernment that comes from one’s own heart. However, honor the speaker’s freedom to share as he/she feels to share without interfering.
- Kindness is the quality of being friendly, generous and considerate. Kindness includes supporting each other on different paths of awakening and allowing each one to be where he/she is in his/her current spiritual understanding and practice.
- If the speaker invites participation, raise your hand. When the speaker turns the microphone over to you, share openly, with consideration and respect in accordance with Awakening Together’s core values. Whenever you are not speaking, please keep your microphone on mute to reduce noise distraction and echo in the Sanctuary.
- Use your computer video to broadcast your image only if you are able to focus your full attention on the current program. When your camera is on, do not engage in activities that may be distracting to the speaker or to other participants. (For example, talking on the phone, eating, moving about the room, etc.) Remember that respect and kindness are conveyed through body language and facial expression too.
- When typing on the chat board or speaking, direct your comments to the current speaker and be sure your comments are related to the topic currently being discussed by the speaker.
- When typing or speaking, never indicate that someone else is wrong. You may share your experience and understanding, but your sharing should never negate the sharing of another.
- When typing or speaking, use language fitting this spiritual community. That is, do not use inappropriate or vulgar language.
- Do not use the Sanctuary’s chat board to have unrelated discussion with other participants.
- Gossip is never permitted in the Sanctuary under any circumstances.
- When sending a private message to someone, be respectful by asking if it is a good time for a private message. (They may want to listen without being disturbed.)
How to Enter the Sanctuary
Our Open Hours
Our Program Schedule