Lesson 32. I have invented the world I see.
Yesterday’s lesson was “I am not the victim of the world I see.” Today’s lesson is “I have invented the world I see.” Jesus explains in today’s lesson, “You are not the victim of the world you see because you invented it (the world you see).”
The practical application comes at the end of today’s lesson when Jesus says, “The idea for today should also be applied immediately to any situation that may distress you. Apply the idea by telling yourself “I have invented this situation as I see it.” This seems much more practical in application than “I have invented the world I see.” I can see how I could have invented this present situation that I find myslf in. For example, the arguement that I had with….I can see how I might have created or invented that situation. Seeing it from that perspective pulls us into the present time where we can change our thoughts and thus our experience or better understand the cause and effect relationship between our thoughts and our experiences.
This reminds me of Byron Katies clear explaination of enlightment. Katie says,
People think that they need to get ‘enlightened’ in ordermto be free, and nobody knows what enlightment is. Yes, it’s in the sacred texts, and yes, this guru or that lama says he has attained it, but that is just a concept, it’s a story of the past. The truth is there is no such thing as enlightenment. No one is permanenetly enlightened. That would be a story of a future. There’s only enlightenment in the present moment. Do you believe a stressful thought? Then you are confused. Do you realize that the thought isn’t there? Then you are enlightened to it. It is as simple as that. And the next thought comes, and maybe you’re enlighted to it as well, and maybe not.
There is only enlightenment in the moment because that in reality is the only place we can be. So if I can understand how “I have invented this situation as I see it” then I am able to understand or at least get a glimpse at how “I have invented the world I see.” I invented it one thought at a time. This realization illuminates our power and our true relationship with cause and effect.
NTI Colossians 3 explains it like this
Look on all that you see and love it, but do not identify with it. It is not your truth or your reality. It is a reflection of your thought. Be grateful for the love that you find. ‘Embrace it. But also be grateful for the reflection that seems not to be love, for it is what it seems not to be. It comes to you in love and grace to show you what you have thought, that you may choose again.
“I have invented this situation as I see it.” And “I have invented the world I see.”