Lesson 188. The peace of God is shining in me now.
Our current goals:
- Widen the horizons of our vision
- Take direct approaches to uncover the blocks that keep our vision narrow
- Lift those blocks, however briefly, in order to experience the sense of liberation that comes when the blocks are removed
- Intensify our motivation for freedom
Why wait for enlightenment? Although some like Eckhart Tolle or Bryon Katie might have a big blow out awakening experience, many more of us are awakened or are awake on a moment to moment basis when our heart is open with the Love and Truth of us out pouring from us. As today’s lesson says, “Enlightenment is but a recognition, not a change at all.”
Perception gives way to vision once we start to look within. When we just step back and watch the mind as dispassionately as we can, we are training ourselves to be the witness to the ego’s fear based thoughts.
The thoughts you think with the thinking mind are not you or yours. We have just identified with them. They fade away and are undone when we withdraw ownership from them and withdraw focus on the outside world and our thoughts about the world. And with the relinquishment of fear based thoughts, we realize the truth and freedom that comes is an enlightened moment.
This relinquishment is facilitated with awareness-watching-awareness meditation. Today’s lesson says, “The light within you is sufficient. It alone has power to give the gift of sight to you. Exclude the outer world, and let your thoughts fly to the peace within. They know the way. For honest thoughts, untainted by the dream of worldly things outside yourself, become the holy messengers of God [Truth].”