Lesson 132. I loose the world from all I thought it was.
“A madman thinks the world he sees is real and does not doubt it. Nor can he be swayed by questioning his thoughts’ effects. It is but when their source is raised to question that the hope of freedom comes to him at last.”
When I read this part of today’s lesson, I pictured a man, looking a little peculiar, standing off by himself in a corner of a big room that was painted stark white. He has an odd look on his face. He is twisting his hands and there is a look in his eyes that says he is not really participating in the world. He is living in his own world and he seems upset by what he sees happening.
When I contemplate this picture I realize that it may have some validity. It occurs to me that I am, along with my brothers the dreamer of the dream. I am trapped in my own insane and upsetting world. The deceived mind thinks it is a person in an objective world, but we know the deceived mind is the cause of the dream world.
More importantly we have begun our steps out of the insanity of the world and back into reality as we are learning to question the source of our thoughts. Is this thought another egoic thought? Does it chatter obsessively like a madman? Am I listening to my own madman carrying on in my head? Or am I the one who notices the inner disturbances and realizes its unreality. Can I begin to see the false as only concepts (the code), something to be forgiven.
As I begin to loosen my mind, I am realizing what my investment in the world has been costing me. I can overlook appearances. I choose to give up insane thoughts about who I am, who my brother is and watch these thoughts without believing them or believing what is on the screen of the world.
As I practice Awareness watching Awareness, practice being present, practice being the witness there is a gradual loosening of these beliefs that have chained me to the insanity of my former beliefs. As I practice my spiritual aspiration and keep it in the forefront of my mind there is a change that takes place.
Lesson 129 spoke to this point, “Your whole perspective on the world will shift by just a little every time you let your mind escape its chains.” And today’s lesson says …”so it is your thoughts which made it [the world] and must set it free, that you may know the Thoughts you share with God [truth].”