Please take time this morning to read, “What is Forgiveness,” to contemplate Lesson 230, and to spend time in meditation. If you have 30-minutes for meditation and would like a gentle audio to guide you, I recommend this meditation by Michael Langford and Karen Worth:
Today is our last day with the special theme, “What is Forgiveness?” If you have time during the day today, listen again to the audio teaching on “What is Forgiveness?”.
Now will I seek and find the peace of God.
Today’s workbook lesson says, “In peace I was created. And in peace do I remain. It is not given me to change my Self.”
Peace is what you are.
Yesterday, we learned that Love is what we are (and God is). Today, we learn that Peace is also what we are. What does that tell us about our relationship with Peace?
The common thread is that you need not seek for the attributes of “God,” for you are that. This common thread reveals the otherwise hidden meaning behind and beyond the teachings of A Course in Miracles. You do indeed experience that which you bring to any teaching, experience, thought, interaction. Thus, to rest within is the highest form of teaching, of learning and of practice.
Seek within for the peace that you are. How on heaven or earth could you fail to find that which is within you? Surely you see that to deny its presence is merely a denial of truth. Anyone who really looks, anyone, will experience the peace of God or True Nature. This is true regardless of what activities you have been engaged in, what thoughts you have been believing, regardless of …. Well, this is true regardless of all else, because this is Truth. Because it is Truth, it is ever present and changeless.
What this means is, if you are not experiencing the peace of God, you are choosing something else. To acknowledge this fully is no small accomplishment. Indeed, to acknowledge this fully is to claim the peace of God. It is to claim the Truth of Being. Once acknowledged, what other choice would you make?
It may seem difficult to acknowledge that if you feel anything other than peace, it is only because of your choice to do so. You know from past experience that this is so. This “difficulty” also, however, reveals the hidden power contained within the statement. Who would avoid this understanding but the one who would be undone by it? What other reason could we possibly have for its avoidance?
Today, as you practice awareness watching awareness, ask to be shown peace and the source of peace. Such a sincere request must, by its very nature, be met. Notice it is perfect peace. Thoughts change, and thoughts come and go, but the awareness they arise in is perfectly open, changeless peace.
Also, as you watch awareness today, notice that you are not thought. You are the perfectly open, changeless peace that thought arises in. If an emotion arises, notice you are not emotion. Like thought, emotion comes and goes; emotions change. But you are the awareness that is aware of emotion. You are the perfectly open, changeless peace that emotions arise in.
To seek and find the peace of God is merely to seek our Self. To know the peace of God is to identify with our ever-present Self, instead of identifying with the moving show of thought.