Lesson 182. I will be still an instant and go home.
Let’s review our current goals.
- Widen the horizons of our vision
- Take direct approaches to uncover the blocks that keep our vision narrow
- Lift those blocks, however briefly, in order to experience the sense of liberation that comes when the blocks are removed
- Intensify our motivation for freedom
Recently Jacquelyn did a satsang with Loch Kelly. He asked the question, “Who would you be if you had no problems?” No problems, no worries, no concerns? One might ask, you mean what if I didn’t have children to worry about? If I had no financial issues or problems with relationship with my spouse? No concerns about my business? Well, I think I would feel free, defenseless, joyful! I might think I was in heaven! Exactly! Heaven is not a place, heaven is a state of mind. This is our home. “This is your heart’s desire.”
“Yet some try to put by their suffering in games they play to occupy their time. Others will deny that they are sad, and do not recognize their tears at all. Still others will maintain that what we speak of is illusion,” per our workbook lesson today.
The ego’s goal of preservation is accomplished by filling time with unnecessary activities. The ego’s goal is to avoid being still. It’s good to notice how we fill time unnecessarily.
We’ve been asked to change our minds about our goals. We’ve been asked if we are willing to see the goals we previously had and adopt new goals and intentions that widen the horizons of our vision, that uncover our blocks. Today’s lesson advocates letting go of those blocks, however briefly in order to experience the sense of liberation that comes when the blocks are removed.
Today’s lesson says, “When you are still an instant, when the world recedes from you, when valueless ideas cease to have value in your restless mind, then will you hear His Voice. So poignantly He calls to you that you will not resist Him longer. In that instant, He will take you to His Home, and you will stay with Him in perfect stillness, silent and at peace, beyond all words, untouched by fear and doubt, sublimely certain that you are home.”
Isn’t this what we really want? Today’s lesson says, “Go home with Him from time to time today.” Free yourself and be at peace a while.