Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
I place the future in the Hands of God.
A universal assembly for true discernment
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
I place the future in the Hands of God.
“People are rivers, always ready to move from one state of being into another. It is not fair, to treat people as if they are finished beings. Everyone is always becoming and unbecoming.” Kathleen Winter
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
ACIM Workbook Lesson 192 Live from the Sanctuary a year later on 7-30-17
I have a function God would have me fill.
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
“Dancing is not rising to your feet painlessly like a whirl of dust blown about by the wind. Dancing is when you rise above both worlds, tearing your heart to pieces and giving up your soul.” Rumi
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
In this contemplation Karen references a meditation in Loch Kelly’s book “Shift into Freedom”. The meditation is found on page 31. Karen recorded it for you to listen to.
“Most of us just haven’t learned to pay much attention to the countless hours of love, kindness, and care that surround us each day: a child at the store reaching for her mother’s hand, an elderly stranger at the park who smiles upon a young family, a grocery clerk who beams at you as she hands you your change.” John Makransky
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds.
Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
The music played during the meditation was Tibetan Healing Sounds #1 provided by Soft Music and Yoga.
“Each activity you perform is an opportunity to observe the ways mind and body can work together and how they can sometimes conflict. The mind can spend hours worrying about a simple task that will take the body only minutes to perform. Although the music maybe long, the dance itself is short.” Gary Thorp
This group meeting focused on quotes from Ramana Maharshi in Chapter 2 of “How to Live a Life that Knows Only Love.” Michael Langford attended this group meeting. Regina was not able to be at the meeting live, but she shared via Skype recording.
Click here for a PDF of the selected passages that Regina shared from.
To Listen to the meeting audio,click here