Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
A universal assembly for true discernment
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds.
Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
The music played during the meditation was Sad Music: Sad Instrumental Piano Songs.
“Surrender is giving oneself up to the origin of one’s Being. In due course, we will know that our glory lies where we cease to exist.” Sri Ramana Maharshi
This meeting looked at quotes from Chapter Three of “How To Live a Life that Knows Only Love.” Regina’s sharing is available on YouTube.
Clink here to view the youtube video of Regina’s sharing.
Click to listen to the full meeting audio
“The urge to become what one is is invincibly strong, and you can always count on it, but that does not mean that things will necessarily turn out positively. If you are not interested in your own fate, the unconscious is.” Carl G. Jung
“In an absolute sense, everything happens quite spontaneously. You don’t need to think about it. When you’re in a deep state of realization, the reason life seems to flow for you is because you’re not resisting it.” Adyashanti
Living in mastery is a proactive decision, starting from this moment. No need to wait for enlightenment to ‘happen to you’ first! This course will offer some simple forms of practice for stepping into this choice right now, to help you gain firsthand experience and confidence in this process.
Listen to this recording
About Carrie:
“My life was forever changed in 1986 by the sudden appearance of a mysterious inner Voice—which introduced itself with the intriguing statement: Long time no see. This divine guide led me into a twenty year practice of Buddhism. And then beginning in 2005, a series of profound shifts very quickly changed everything for me. Over the next decade the Voice led me to an intensive practice of A Course in Miracles, as well as other subsequent teachings. And finally this magnificent inner guide has led me—a stubbornly single-minded spiritual seeker—to the end of seeking.”
Carrie’s Books: Tastes Like God, Long Time No See, and The Enlightenment Project.
Bringing Presence Into Conversations
Rev. Regina Dawn Akers talked about how the ego slips into our conversations, thereby strengthening itself. She shared a technique we can use to remain present and mindful while engaged in conversation.
Rev. David Fishman read from Gina Lake’s book, “In the World But Not Of It.”
Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
“Check all movements of the mind for one moment only, stop all desires and all thoughts for one second only, especially the first of “I”, for one instant only, and you are beyond the cycle of birth and death forever. This cycle is samsara, your own imagination.” Papaji
“There comes a time in your life when you simply have to be still. Being still does not mean doing nothing. It means consciously tuning in to the Self. Being still means listening within for the guidance or answers you need.” Iyanla Vanzant