This month we discussed ‘The Nines.’
Listen to this recording
August’s movie is ‘Love Actually.’ Our next movie discussion is Sunday, August 28th at 8pm ET.
A universal assembly for true discernment
This month we discussed ‘The Nines.’
Listen to this recording
August’s movie is ‘Love Actually.’ Our next movie discussion is Sunday, August 28th at 8pm ET.
Listen to this recording
About Carrie:
“My life was forever changed in 1986 by the sudden appearance of a mysterious inner Voice—which introduced itself with the intriguing statement: Long time no see. This divine guide led me into a twenty year practice of Buddhism. And then beginning in 2005, a series of profound shifts very quickly changed everything for me. Over the next decade the Voice led me to an intensive practice of A Course in Miracles, as well as other subsequent teachings. And finally this magnificent inner guide has led me—a stubbornly single-minded spiritual seeker—to the end of seeking.”
Carrie’s Books: Tastes Like God, Long Time No See, and The Enlightenment Project.
Our Weekly Gathering is held on Sundays at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary.
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert’s topic today was, “Experiencing Reality / Experiencing the Now”. Rev. Jacquelyn explored the idea that to recognize the gulf between aliveness itself and anything generated by the mind (however “true” it appears to be) is a liberating discovery and the way to come to know what you deeply are.
Connie Poole read from a Jan Frazier teaching, “Consciousness and Chronic Pain” This article can be found here.
Listen to today’s recording
“Sitting in stillness is all about going to the root of being. This root is also the root of movement, energy, and emptiness. The mind may be busy, but you can open to the silence from which thought arises.” Adyashanti
“The supreme meaning is great and small, it is as wide as the space of the starry Heaven and as narrow as the cells of the living body.” Carl G. Jung
“To find out what is truly individual in ourselves, profound reflection is needed; and suddenly we realize how uncommonly difficult the discovery of individuality in fact is.” Carl G. Jung
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
“Even the ugliest of doubts and the most separate of differences rise from the beautiful source as Isness. In Self there are no do’s or don’ts. If there is unhappiness, you are not unhappy, you are the Untouched Awareness of this unhappiness. As waves are not separate from the ocean, nor rays from sun, you are not separate from existence. You are the Moment in which all is.” Papaji
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
ACIM Workbook Lesson 199 Live from the Sanctuary a year later on 8-6-2017
I am not a body. I am free.