Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
A universal assembly for true discernment
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds.
Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
The music played during the meditation was Sad Music: Sad Instrumental Piano Songs.
“You cannot drop what you truly are. You can only drop your self-image. Your Self you can only be.” Mooji
This meeting covered Chapter Four in “How to Live a Life that Knows Only Love.” Regina and Jay’s discussion is also available on YouTube.
Click here to view the YouTube video of Regina’s discussion with Jay.
To Listen to the Audio, click here
“We believe too quickly in feelings and thought-processes. You must become more detached from them. Keep looking without interpreting so quickly. Once you understand you are the witness to what is playing in the mind, if you don’t identify too quickly, you start to become aware of your own presence.” Mooji
“If you notice your attention caught by an unhealthy distraction – such as spacing out on the web – ask yourself, “What would I have to experience if I didn’t turn toward this habit?” Hugh Byrne
Living in mastery is a proactive decision, starting from this moment. No need to wait for enlightenment to ‘happen to you’ first! This course will offer some simple forms of practice for stepping into this choice right now , to help you gain firsthand experience and confidence in this process.
Listen to this recording
About Carrie:
“My life was forever changed in 1986 by the sudden appearance of a mysterious inner Voice—which introduced itself with the intriguing statement: Long time no see. This divine guide led me into a twenty year practice of Buddhism. And then beginning in 2005, a series of profound shifts very quickly changed everything for me. Over the next decade the Voice led me to an intensive practice of A Course in Miracles, as well as other subsequent teachings. And finally this magnificent inner guide has led me—a stubbornly single-minded spiritual seeker—to the end of seeking.”
Carrie’s Books: Tastes Like God, Long Time No See, and The Enlightenment Project.
Regina Dawn Akers announces the resignation of our Sanctuary Director, Lyn Johnson. Both Regina and Lyn share regarding the circumstances surrounding Lyn’s resignation. Regina also announces upcoming changes to the Sanctuary Schedule based on a new Federal Labor Law.
Carrie’s Topic was Trusting Life.
Rubye Nassar read Trust and The Development of Trust from the Manual for Teachers.
Listen to this recording
The Awakening Together Weekly Gathering is a wonderful opportunity for us to come together and associate with one another as a close knit spiritual community that is deeply joined through our common spiritual purpose, to awaken to one true Self.
The Weekly Gathering begins each Sunday at 10:15 am Eastern Time.
It lasts until 11:30 am ET and is followed by a “fellowship hour” where everyone is invited to share. The fellowship hour is facilitated by Lyn Johnson.
“There is no true solitude except interior solitude. And interior solitude is not possible for anyone who does not accept his true place in relation to other men. There is no true peace possible for the man who still imagines that some accident of talent or grace or virtue segregates him from other men and places him above them.” Thomas Merton