Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
A universal assembly for true discernment
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
“When we feel passion for something, it is because we are remembering what it was that we came here to do. The more passion we feel, the more in alignment with Source we are, allowing this energy to pour through us with no hesitation. This is the way it was meant to be.” Karen Bishop
“Survival is for the human animal; fear the motivation. For the spiritual being survival is irrelevant. Curiosity, compassion and creativity are the name of the game; unconditional love the motivation.” Peter Shepherd
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“In our desire to impose form on the world and our lives, we have lost the capacity to see the form that is already there; and in that lies not liberation but alienation – the cutting off from things as they really are.” Colin Gunton
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
Christ’s is the vision I will use today.
By Karen Worth
Find a place where you will be undisturbed. If it is comfortable, put on headsets or earbuds. Relax, and enjoy this meditation.
I will not use the body’s eyes today.
“I do not believe it possible for one to genuinely love Truth more than people (or vice versa). One might fall into the snare of loving the search more than people, or the pride of having exposed something or someone, but not the truth itself. For if you love Truth you love people; because to love people at all and without illusion, you must also love the truth about them.” Criss Jami
Awakening is simply a sudden expansion or increase in awareness. When this expansion is especially large, profound, and transformative, we call that a spiritual awakening. While there is nothing we can do directly to cause a pronounced awakening, all spiritual practices and teachings are designed to make us more available for when Grace touches us and opens our awareness profoundly.
In the first of a four-part mini-series, Nirmala taught us to be ready for grace by being present to awareness, even in normal, everyday circumstances.
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Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert’s topic was : “Perception, Misperception and Mindfulness”. Rev. Jacquelyn discussed how we experience that which we perceive and misperceive, and how mindfulness can help us to use our experience to find those misperceptions we would offer for healing. Rebecca Gibson read from NTI 1 Peter Chapter 2.
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