“Finding … does not come from seeking. Finding … comes from relinquishing the search. Relax and soften … it will shine … when it shines.” Wu Hsin
Truth Teachings from Eastern Wisdom – 3/6/17
The Tao Te Ching, Verse 3:
Contemplation. Not seeking recognition and choosing to move inward rather than following the pull of the ego into the material world. The characteristics of being a sage, or One with the Tao.
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Tips From Regina – Instructions for Review Lessons 51-60
The instructions for Review 1 are fairly flexible. For example, you are told that “if any one of the five ideas appeals to you more than the others, concentrate on that one.”
The flexibility in the instructions allows you to develop a personal relationship with the review lessons.
When Helen scribed the review lessons, she also wrote a paragraph below each lesson. We do not know if this paragraph was fully scribed or if it is a reflection of her personal relationship with the lesson. In the instructions, you are asked to read these paragraphs, but you are also told that it is “not necessary to cover the comments that follow each idea either literally or thoroughly in the practice periods. Try, rather, to emphasize the central point, and think about it as part of your review of the idea to which it relates.” This might be because the comments are Helen’s personal relationship with each lesson. Rather than emphasizing her personal relationship, it is more helpful for you to develop your own personal relationship.
One way to develop your own personal relationship with the lessons is to contemplate each lesson and then write your own comments, comments that reflect your relationship with the lesson.
My intention for the review period is to spend time each morning contemplating the day’s review lessons and writing my own comments. Throughout the day, I will spend at least two minutes each hour deeply contemplating one lesson and the comments I wrote for that lesson. At the end of the day, I will reread the lessons and comments in the workbook along with my own comments.
If this feels right for you, please feel free to do the same. Developing your own relationship with the lessons as we do the review can be extremely, extremely helpful.
I will post my comments for Lesson 51 as an example.
Regina’s personal comments for Lesson 51:
1. Nothing I see means anything. I do not see with the body’s eyes. I see either with the mind or the heart. It is not what I see, but what I see with that gives meaning. When I see with the mind, I am lost in an individualistic illusion that has no meaning at all. When I see with the heart, I am in communication with my true Self. When I am in communication with my true Self, I know my real thoughts. My real thoughts are meaning.
2. I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me. This is true when I see with the mind. When I see the world through my individual point of view, I see an individual world. No one else sees a world exactly like the world I see when I see through the mind. When I see with the heart, however, it is different. When I see with the heart, meaning is not supplied from the outside or by thoughts. The meaning is my Self. What I am, I see. If I see anything that is not what I am, it is as thin as aging gauze.
3. I do not understand anything I see. When I see with my mind, my seeing is colored by my thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts are so dense, I walk about in the world without seeing the world at all; all I see are the thoughts in my mind. My thoughts are an obstacle; they hide or distort everything I see. Things that are hidden or distorted are not understood. Far from it. They are missed entirely.
4. These thoughts do not mean anything. My unique point of view is 1 out of 7,376,000,000 unique points of view in the world today. It is as if each of us is walking around with a box on our head. Our unique worlds are drawn on the inside of our boxes, and that is all we see. We argue that we are right about our points of view, but we are not right. We are blind. In order to see, we need to take the boxes off of our heads.
5. I am never upset for the reason I think. When I am upset, it is because of the box on my head. I will know peace-life-love if I remove the box, because peace-life-love is what I am.
March 6, 2017 Daily Quote
“Every transformation demands as its precondition “the ending of a world” – the collapse of an old philosophy of life.” Carl Jung
Common Ground Mini-Series: Maria Felipe – Part 1 of 4
The time has come to get out of your own way so you can experience the happiness you deserve. In this inspiring mini-series, international spiritual teacher Maria Felipe introduces core teachings from A Course In Miracles and her forthcoming book Live Your Happy explaining how they can help you connect with your inner teacher, get the “cuckoo voice of your ego” out of the way, and access your personal power and inherent joy.
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Maria’s website: MariaFelipe.org
Maria’s book: Live Your Happy
Awakening Together Weekly Gathering – 3/5/17
Rev. Gloria Wells Topic: “Paradox of riding the ox”.
The reading will come from Leo Hartong’s book Awakening to the dream – the gift of lucid living. Her reader was Rubye Nassar.
Lyn Johnson served as Musical Director and Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
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Tips From Regina – Lesson 50, I am sustained by the Love of God
One error that creeps into the minds of many spiritual students is “magical thinking.” Magical thinking is believing that spiritual practice protects us and makes us happy by correcting the things in the world that we think need correcting. This error is fairly common and is fiercely protected by the ego, so it isn’t always easily let go.
Why is this error protected by the ego? Lesson 50 answers that question. “All these things are cherished to ensure a body identification.” Valuing magical ideas is the same as valuing pills, money, etc, because the emphasis is on valuing form.
Everything that is born will die. Each one of us does well to accept this fact. When we accept that the body-personalities that we perceive ourselves to be are temporary and can end at anytime, we are ready to seek for our eternal Self. Our eternal Self is beyond everything temporary and is affected by none of it. The realization of our eternal Self as our truth is ‘salvation’, ‘awakening’, and ‘eternal life’.
“Only the Love of God will protect you in all circumstances. It will lift you out of every trial, and raise you high above all perceived dangers of this world into a climate of perfect peace and safety.” This refers to truth realization. When you know what you are, you are not affected by the ups and downs of this world because you know yourself as beyond it.
A perfect illustration of this is the story of Ramana Maharshi’s death. When his body was dying of sarcoma, his devotees were in great sorrow. They thought they were losing their master. But Ramana responded to them by saying, “Where can I go? I shall always be here.” He knew himself AS eternal life. He identified with eternal life, not the temporary body.
Contemplate Lesson 50 carefully today, and watch your mind for every scrap of magical thinking. “Put not your faith in illusions. They will fail you. Put all your faith in the Love of God within you; eternal, changeless and forever unfailing.”
Here is a link to a song that may help you in this contemplation:
p.s. Because magical thinking is such a strong ego defense (to keep us identified with the body), people often ask me questions like, “Should I take medication?” I resonate with Byron Katie’s response. She says that the body is the doctor’s business, not hers.
Let the doctor play games with the body. If the doctor says to take a medication or go through a certain procedure, go ahead, but watch your mind for the idea that this will save you. Identification with the body is an error. You are not the body.
Ramana Maharshi allowed his devotees to call a doctor, and he submitted to the doctor’s operations. His attitude seemed to be the same as Byron Katie’s. His body was not his concern or his business. He let those who saw the body as important make decisions about the body.
March 5, 2017 Daily Quote
“The root of prayer is interior silence.” Thomas Keating
Tips From Regina – Lesson 49, God's Voice Speaks to me all through the day
Part 1 of 2
God’s Voice is silent. It communicates with no words at all. We ‘hear’ God’s Voice more as an intuitive feeling. An example of God’s Voice is the feeling ‘all is well.’ When we feel ‘all is well’ under all circumstances, we are listening to God’s Voice consistently.
God’s Voice prompts us in daily life, if we are willing to ‘listen’. It may come through as a feeling that ‘I don’t need to do anything’ about a particular situation; ‘I can wait’ or have patience. It may come through as a feeling that ‘it is best if I say nothing now’. Or it may come through as a feeling that ‘it is best if I say this particular thing now’. It may come through as awareness, noticing that ‘I am listening to an out-of-control mind now’ and a reminder to breathe and shift attention, etc.
The brain has the ability to translate God’s silent Voice into your language, which means you can hear God’s Voice as words/thoughts. This may or may not happen for some individuals. It may happen sometimes but not all of the time.
When I first became a scribe, my experience was listening to a Voice (a thought stream that did not seem like my own). It was like taking dictation. I would simply listen and write what I heard. However, as I became a more experienced scribe, I noticed that I was feeling the Voice and my brain was selecting the words that would best communicate what I felt. I could sense the silent communication and had full understanding of it before the brain supplied the words.
I am sharing this so you will be open to ‘God’s Voice’ in whatever way it comes to you today. If you close your eyes for 5 minutes and have no other experience except feeling more relaxed after the 5-minute practice, you heard God’s Voice. That’s it.
I will make another post today for those of you who are beginning to scribe the inner voice with language. The ego will fight this process with doubt. I am going to share a post from 2008 when I was experiencing extreme doubt about scribing, so you can see the Voice’s response to me. It may help some of you to move through your doubts and allow the conversations with the inner Voice to continue.
Great love, Regina
Tip for Lesson 49, Part 2 of 2, Looking at doubts about scribing
Question: What about…
Ahhhh! I’m having a tough time asking this next question. It is hard because there is so much judgment and fear in my mind. I am judging the question and I am judging me as the scribe. I have a huge fear that I am just writing what I want to hear. This fear is so big that it makes me want to throw down my pen and runaway and hide. I feel it in my chest.
Before I continue, what would you share about my fear?
Answer: A scribe creates her ability to scribe. This is a creation in that it takes the formless and brings it into form. (In this way, I do not use the word “creation” in the way that A Course in Miracles uses the word. I use “creation” in the way of an artist.)
An artist creates his painting or his sculpture or his magnificent musical piece of work, but any great artist will also tell you the work was born through him. He both created it and he didn’t. He created the piece of work by allowing it to be born through him in a specific form.
The scribe does this. She allows the birth of formless into form as a specific expression through being a scribe.
Because the scribe is a partner or co-creator in the birthing of what may be considered “holy words,” she can also feel guilt or fear about these words. She can fear that her ego sometimes does the writing. She can fear she is not open enough or hearing deep enough. She can even fear that she is making up the entire scribal experience and there is no co-creation with anything divine. The latter may be the greatest fear for many people who are scribe.
The best thing a scribe can do is allow the flow of words that comes through her. She can feel the flow as it comes through at a consistent rate without a break in the flow. Trust this flow that keeps flowing like a river running downhill. It is different than thought, which is rambling and seems to fire from all directions. It is a steady flow that seems to come from one consistent source. As long as the words are coming in this flow, write down the words that you hear.
Your next question frightens you because it is a question that addresses the greatest fear that you have. You are afraid that your fear will be a block to hearing Me or that it may be your ego that answers. You are also afraid, since you fear that scribing may be a human creation rather than a co-creation with the divine…you also fear that asking this question may be exposing yourself as a fake. You’ve had this fear for a long time, and it comes up around many questions. It is time to look at your greatest fear, because it is your greatest fear that hurts you the most.
I understand that facing your doubts is difficult for you, but that is only because you fear your doubts are real. In facing them, you will learn they are not real. In willingness and readiness, and out of a pure desire to take this step, ask the question you fear to ask now. …
March 4, 2017 Daily Quote
“God creates our hearts in such a way that only God will satisfy our longing. Scripture says, “God is love” (I John 4). And so we can say that the infinite love that is the architect of our hearts creates our hearts in such a way that only an infinite union with infinite love will do.” James Finley
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