Appendix to Week 32 Homework ~ Abandon Release Method Audio
This is an audio reading of Chapter 9 from The Direct Means to Eternal Bliss by Michael Langford.
Aug 20 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 212
Aug 20, 2017 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ ACIM Workbook Lesson 212 ~ Review of Lesson (192) I have a function God would have me fill.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(192) I have a function God would have me fill.
I seek the function that would set me free from all the vain
illusions of the world. Only the function God has given me
can offer freedom. Only this I seek, and only this will I
accept as mine.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
Tips from Regina ~ Review Lesson 212
Review instructions: Spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and evening contemplating today’s lesson. Repeat today’s idea at least hourly. Use today’s idea throughout the day.
Today’s review idea:
I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
I have a function God would have me fill.
“Teach your mind to listen to truth, and you teach the mind that it is a mirage also. In this way, the mind becomes willing to be quieted. And in the quiet of the mind, the echo of truth can be heard. … Teach the mind to be subject to the Heart by being grateful for the desire of the Heart. … Be ready to remind yourself of your truth. The way of the thinking mind is forgetfulness, but your way is the way of remembering. Joyfully remember whenever the mind forgets, and the way will be filled with happiness and deep gratitude.” ~ NTI Titus
Answer the Call to Prayer by Chris Celine
Perfect Light of all creation…. As we accept this light that is within, and want to live as that light, every beloved is called to truly surrender. And, to examine what the beliefs are that are running in habit, so that you can be sure that you are aligning with the Truth of Love, rather than with the mind that is fractured and distorted in the belief of fear. The fear that has gripped humanity through the belief in a power that is greater than God.
It is being believed in very strongly at this time. It is believed that there is an authority that comes through as the government that says, “We must be in fear because someone else is controlling our lives”. But, in Truth your life cannot be controlled except by your own mind, by what you choose: to be in the Light, to be at peace, to bring peace, or to bring fear. Those are really the two choices. I am calling every beloved to choose Love rather than fear and to bring the True Authority into conscious awareness.
The only true power that you can answer to is the Power of God, and the willingness to stand in that Light of Truth. The call is to pray and invite the Power of God to transform all beliefs in fear and disturbance of any kind. The willingness to choose God instead of an outside authority is essential to realizing sanity. Because it is truly insane to believe that someone outside you can control you in the name of fear, in the name of separation.
Every beloved that believes they can control someone else is delusional, and also living in fear themselves. It is imperative for each beloved who has the conscious relationship with the Divine to affirm that connection, and live that communion, remembering that you hold that awareness not just for yourself, but for everyone. Now is the time for Love to shine. Now is the time for the mind to be clear and concise in its loyalty to either Love or fear. Those are the choices that are constantly being offered to you. To choose God is to choose the Truth of Love. To choose fear is to choose the insanity of the outside world. That decision is being made all the time in every circumstance of your everyday life. What do you choose? What do you follow? Where do you place your loyalty? It is always one choice or another.
In this moment, as we begin a journey into prayer and into the Truth of Love, we begin with two hymns that will bring the Truth of Love into clarity.
In the Light we are his children In the Light all things come clear. In the Light all things come clear. In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light we remember our Mother In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light we remember our Father In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light we remember our Father In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
In the Light all things come clear.
We ask the Divine Mother to come And heal all the beliefs of separation. We ask for the clarity to see
Through the Light of God
And to accept healing of whatever
Is most helpful to be healed.
To take from our minds,
All personal agendas and beliefs That have run and have held
Each beloved prisoner
Lost In a separate sense of self.
But now returning to
The Oneness of God’s Love.
Returning to the power of
Transformation through the Divine Mother.
In this prayer we ask for healing what is most necessary, and this includes the asking: heal what is necessary from our minds so that we may see clearly that our power and our strength come only from the Light of God. The power and the strength of the universe is created through the Light of God. Stop looking outside for reassurance that something is known within the world when peace, joy and Love – all come from God. To no longer be looking in the world for respite or for Truth. But to turn, always, to the Divine.
The prayers of Love…we’re going to focus on prayers of Love.
We All Sit in God’s Classroom
Love’s journey unfolds through every process of life. Divine principles are constantly being demonstrated all around us. We cannot learn them through words or books or limited systems of human values. We have to turn to God to be fully known only through Love, which accepts everything. Turning to God for the clarity for the truth of Love itself. Love reveals the universe as a cosmic playground where every thing and being participates in a single magnificent game.
[I Heard God Laughing: Renderings of Hafiz) ~
Every being, every beloved, is participating in a single, magnificent game of learning the Truth of Love. That is where you spend your day. Not in your own head. Not in your own ideas. Not in your own agendas. Not in your own thinking, but in the Light of God and asking, which way do I turn? How do I look at this? How do I learn from this because I want to learn? Are those your questions or are they put aside because the mind says, “no. I’m in charge and I know better”.
If that is the answer that your mind comes up with, now is the time to stop that insane relationship and to truly turn to the Light of God and say no more! I am going to refuse what I am being called to by ego and follow the way of God instead of my own agenda. If it is my own agenda, I will be stuck in a place of misery that I won’t want to be stuck in. But I won’t realize why I’m stuck in it other than if I make the connection that this was my own thoughts that took me here. And now I really want to be healed of these thoughts.
God’s beloved nature is pure joy. The closer we come to him, the more we are able to hear and feel God’s laughter. The rhythm of his laughter is the music of the dance of life. [cont.]
Are you hearing it? Are you available for it?
The rhythm of his laughter is the music of the dance of life. That music is the essence of Love and is the radiant core of every song of Love itself (Hafiz ~)
The willingness to join. And, as Hafiz reminds us:
I am happy even before I have a reason.
Because God is in charge
There Is A Wonderful Game
There is a game we should play, And it goes like this:
We hold hands and look into each other’s eyes And scan each other’s faces.
Then I say,
“Now tell me a difference you see between us”.
And you might respond,
Hafiz, your nose is ten times bigger than mine”!
Then I would say,
“Yes, my dear, almost ten times”!
But, let’s keep playing. Let’s go deeper,
Go deeper.
For if we do,
Our spirits will embrace And interweave.
Our union will be so glorious That even God
Will not be able to tell us apart.
There is a wonderful game We should play this every day And it goes like this…. [Hafiz]
God keeps calling every beloved to go deeper, deeper, deeper. Are you listening to that calling or are you the decider that says, “no, I’m not going deeper today. I’ve decided this is where I’m going to stay today, because I should be in charge. I should know all of what I need to know”. Except that every time a beloved chooses their own way, the veil thickens just a little bit. It’s not that it can’t lift again…it can lift. But then you have to go through the same thing every single time instead of staying in the openness of God’s Love. And then look back and say, what did I think my mind was percolating with when it said “I’m in charge, I’ll do it my way? I know what I want. I know what’s good for me”!
Where did that insanity come from? Where did the arrogance of the ego come from that was so blatant that it would be listened to instead of joining with God, of being led? Why would you choose the old way of the past, where you thought the mind should be in charge? When, every single time that you’ve had the mind be in charge of its own self, you’ve been panicked, you have been disturbed, you have been worried.
Make the connection about how scary that place is when you think you’re in charge. As Jesus would say, “if you think you’re in charge of your own life, it is no wonder that you’re terribly frightened”. Because to be in charge of your own life with the insanity of your own mind, makes no sense. It’s never brought you to anywhere except the same old place of pain and suffering. Stand up for Love. Stand up for sanity. Choose sanity by choosing to trust in the word of God, and be led, instead of believing your own mind. There’s just nothing there that is actually being offered that has any true help in it.
As soon as you say, “I’m going to make up my own mind”, you have absolutely nothing in your own mind except fearful illusions. Every illusion that you carry in your mind, made up by your mind, is an assault on the Truth. Now the ego would say, “that’s insulting. You’re calling me an assault”. Yes, indeed! The mind that makes up its own mind is assaulting its own self, with its trivia, its smallness, its self-centeredness, with its ideas of right and wrong, good and bad, likes and dislikes.
All of that is the craziness that runs the mind for its own self-preservation, while Love is calling you to a deeper place of Truth. And so, as I bring these prayers into manifestation here, it’s to remember that your one element of learning is that you must learn to change your mind about your mind. That’s the number one element, because while you have it in your mind that your mind knows something, you are going to be in pain, and you are not going to be available for healing, for Love, for peace, for harmony.
And in this time of believing in the world outside, and believing that there is someone that has authority over you…it’s time to declare “I am turning to the Truth, and I am not allowing these lies to spend the day with me. I am not allowing these lies of authority to take Truth and move it from my awareness to a bed of lies. I’m refusing, because I am here to hold the Truth of Love for all creation”.
I thank you and praise you Dear Lord,
For saving me from disaster. From the seeming disaster,
I cried out, “Help me dear God, Help me!
I’m frightened and I’ve Lost my way”.
You came to me in
A perception of darkness
And you breathed life into my bones.
By my prayer,
By my asking, by my willingness to
Drop to my knees and recognize
The authority that is
My God, my Creator.
You plucked me from
the delusional abyss.
You healed me
And I remembered the Truth.
As you rescued me from despair,
You turned my lament into dancing.
You lifted me up and
You took off my mourning shroud
And you clothed me with joy.
Sing the praises of God.
Always sing the praises of God,
You who Love the Creator of all life.
Sing the praises of God.
For though He may seem
To be absent
From your recognition
Because your mind has gone someplace else. Come back,
That the tears may linger
When night falls
But joy arrives with the dawn
Because you choose it to,
And you’ve called for help.
And you asked for the help.
Therefore my soul blesses God
And thanks God constantly
For the Divine Authority of Love.
And with every breath that I take.
My song will thank him
Forever, with eternal gratitude.
And my silence will be filled
With the praise of Love. [Psalm 30]
This is where every beloved has to go, back to that deep place that recognizes who your Master is. It’s very easy for the mind to just have its way with whatever it feels like having. Thinking that you’re going to figure out something about the world or its authority. The trick of believing that there is authority that has power over you is the same insanity as believing that you can have your own thoughts and your own mind make up its own mind about whatever it wants to make it up about instead of turning to the Light of God. Turning to the Light of God.
I thank you and praise you
For saving me from the seeming disaster, Of my own mind.
“Of my own belief, that there is somewhere else to turn. Where am I turning? What am I believing in? What am I promoting with my mind? What am I affirming? Am I holding Love for each beloved, so that when they forget, I remember for them”? That is the way of true Love. The Truth of Love says “no I must be vigilant for all the beloveds around me so that I can remember the Truth of Love for them when they forget. That Is my Love, that is my healing, that is my offering. That is my service… to hold that Truth for everyone. So that when other beloveds that are out there in the belief of separation, someone is holding for them the Truth, so that they can come back to sanity, because they must come back to sanity.
Unnamable God, I feel you
With me at every moment.
You are my food, my drink,
My sunlight and the air that I breathe. You are the ground that I have built on And the beauty that rejoices my heart. I give thanks to you at all times.
You are my Authority.
You lift me from confusion
And you teach me in the dark
And show me the path of life.
I have come to the center of the universe;
I rest in your perfect Love.
In your presence there is a fullness of joy
And a blessedness forever and ever. [Psalms 16]
What would you have me do today? And who would you have me help today? And where would you have me go today to be of service? And what thoughts would you have me hold today in my mind for all beloveds? How am I serving that Love today?
Listen to my prayer, Dear Lord,
Hear me in my hour of need.
I am overwhelmed by my own mind
And my own sense of troubles and thoughts.
I am terrified by my thoughts.
I am terrified by the world that I believe I see outside, As I have given my authority to the world
Rather than to you, Dear God.
Guide my feet on this path of Love.
Don’t let me stop or falter.
Teach me how powerful your Love is
And how insubstantial my fears can be.
Teach me how powerful your Love is,
Like the pupil of the eye is protected,
You hold me in the shadow of your wings.
I’m always safe in the Truth of Love itself.
Cover me with your mercy;
Rock me to sleep in the dark.
And let me, when I awaken,
See nothing but the Light in your face,
Because you are my authority,
Because you are what leads me. [Psalm 17]
You are what gives me strength. You are what gives me courage. You are what gives me faith. This is where I have to live, all the time in order to serve Love. All joy comes from doing God’s Will, because God’s Will is Love, and only calls you to serve with peace and harmony, to bring beloveds out of the fear of the outside authority of the world.
Only God bless my eyes today. I live and move in you alone. Our will is one. And it’s all that I want.
The ignorant say to themselves
‘All things are accidental; there is no justice on earth, And after death there is nothing’.
They think that they know; their minds
Move on the surface of things.
They don’t perceive the deep pattern
Or understand what they are.
Thus they slip into selfishness
Or slide down into despair.
Let your light shine on them, Dear God;
Let your wisdom transform their lives.
Let them realize where they come from;
Let their minds become spacious and clear.
Let the compassion flow from their hearts
Into the slightest of their actions.
Let them care for the weak and the lost. [Psalms 53]
Help me and help us all, Dear God,
To find a way back to the service of Love itself.
You will see your value through your beloved’s eyes. Do you behold?
Do you behold your savior in each one?
That is the wanting of Truth.
Create a pure heart within me.
Let my soul wake up in your Light.
Open me to your Presence.
Flood me with your Holy Spirit.
Then I will stand and sing out the power of forgiveness. I will share your Love with the ignorant;
The lost will find their way home.
Lord, open my lips,
And my mouth will declare your praise. [Psalm 51]
This is what is being called for from every beloved to hold the Truth for every other beloved. Are these prayers too direct? Too all-encompassing? If the ego thinks so, then you’re on the right track because the ego wants it to be too much. And, it really can’t be too much, because it’s all the Love that you are. But, the power of prayer is the channel of your intention…Use this prayer, Releasing Conflict. To release the conflict that is being believed in within the world is the power that you carry. Imagine that, as I offer this prayer that you see the mistake of holding authority within the world in any way other than as a call for Love for all those who believe that they are in authority.
I am embattled in a relationship that burdens my heart.
In this moment I surrender to You, my imagined battle,
My perceived differences, my hurts,
My evidence of wrongdoing.
Please transform my thoughts and my heart.
Right now I am holding someone as wrong, as evil, as sinful.
This is how the world is divided.
I know that this cannot be the Loving Truth.
I release this situation, this relationship into Your hands.
Please help me to see the truth of this situation.
I have held myself as a victim.
I have felt hurt and used and defended,
And oh, so angry.
I feel the seeming old wounds of my life
Every time I enter into the righteousness of my defended position.
This is the great letting go.
Undo these chains of limited beliefs.
This is the perception of my prison.
I willingly release this old pain.
I am willing to see the Holy Truth of this person and this situation.
I give up my imagined battles to walk in the sunlight of Divine Love.
I am willing, Dear God, to release myself and this beloved,
This one that I have held as my enemy.
Open my heart into a new awareness…
Help me to see my beloved with my undefended heart,
So that we can be free of this perceived war,
And bask in the peaceful Love of Eternal Light.
Every beloved is the Christ. Realize that you can see no one except through this Truth – through the Truth of Love, which has to be brought into the Light at all times. Especially when there are so many beloveds who are living in fear at the moment. When you look at the outside world and you believe that there is an authority, that somehow through the world’s agreements somebody has given someone an authority…it’s to really turn away from that seeming authority yet see in them the innocence of the Christ. Now, turn back to God. And how essential it is to keep turning back to where the power really comes from.
Every thought brings either peace or war.
That’s the power of your mind. Peace or war. Every time that you believe in liking something or disliking something, you’re splitting back into illusion. And you’re choosing illusion for whoever is in fear. Open the door to peace through prayer because that’s really what you’re here to offer. And, if you can’t offer it, then you’re going to be suffering too, which is not God’s Will for you. But, you must learn to change your mind about your mind. How many times a day do you believe that you look at your thoughts and say, “those were just fabulous ideas that are coming from my mind. They make so much sense”. Except that when you truly look at them…where did they come from?
How did you make them, except through the past? There’s no other way to have made them, unless they came from the Divine.
If you are not actively forgiving others, you are actively condemning them.
That may not be what you want to do, but when you don’t forgive the beliefs, then you join in the condemnation. Maybe you think you’re doing that because you don’t have the time to hold a thought that is of pure Love. But just remember what it is that you’re offering yourself, and that you’re offering others. We’ve all entered into the awareness that Love holds no grievances. What are grievances except ideas that you think should look differently? Do you believe that somebody has done something that you judged as wrong, and you’re still holding on to it? But all of that just creates more and more fear. And it isn’t God’s Will for you to be in the illusion of fear, not in any way.
Limit the peace that you share, and your true Self will be unknown to you.
We’ve all done that, too. We’ve all looked at fear and thought, “ok, I’m only going to open my heart a little bit, because I can’t do it all the way. I want to hold back. I want to protect, defend”. But, you can’t feel open. You can’t feel then your true heart, and the Love that you truly are. And that’s what heals every relationship that you walk in…is through your open heart of really offering that Love, truly offering that Love.
Over and over again the awareness that you are…you experience what you decide on as the goal that you want. If you decide in the morning to have a goal that says, “I’m going to do it my way”, then that will be the goal that you will find during the day…that everything will be coming from your own mind. But, you won’t feel the peace. You won’t be able to actually rest in Love with the Truth of God. And, every single prayer is calling you to return to sanity. Can you take it to the place where it’s very much in your heart what you want?
Through all generations
You have been our strength and our home.
Before the mountains were born
Or the oceans were brought to life
For all eternity, you are
The creator of Love.
A thousand years in your sight
Are like yesterday when it passes.
You return our bodies to the dust
And snuff out our lives like a candle.
You hurry us away; we vanish
As suddenly as the grass;
And in the morning it shoots up and flourishes, In the evening it wilts and dies.
And yet, our life dissolves like a vision
And fades into air like a cloud.
We’ve lived for seventy years,
Or eighty if we are strong-
Years filled with fear;
And then we fly away. [cont. below]
Where are we flying to? Except back to Love.
Teach us how short our time is;
Let us know it in the depths of our souls.
There is only God, and we live in that Heart.
Show us that all things are transient,
As insubstantial as dreams.
And that after heaven and earth
Have vanished, there is only you.
Let our hearts soon grow transparent
In the radiance of your love.
Show us how precious each day is;
Teach us to be fully here.
And let our work of our hands
Prosper, for our little while. [Psalms 90]
Service to God is all that we’re here for. What else could there be, especially when you look at the fear that the world is carrying in this moment and you have the power within you to transform that fear back to peace. You have the opportunity of bringing peace of Truth to every beloved, to declare where your alignment is. When you declare your alignment with God…when somebody else is afraid of authority within the world and you affirm “I only answer to God. I only answer to the Truth of Love. I only answer and ask for guidance from the Divine. I am not allowing any outside influence to be my authority. I am only in the authority of God”.
Is this what you offer? Or do you agree with those that are suffering with the fear of an outside authority? If you agree with them, you can’t help them. But you can help them by holding the Divine Truth so deeply that they can learn with you and from you how important it is to be in the truth of Love itself.
I trusted you, Lord, and I waited,
And you came to answer my plea.
You lifted me from the pit,
You pulled me out of the mire that I had believed in. You set my feet on firm ground
And you made my steps unshakeable. You put a new song in my mouth
And gave me the power to praise you. You open me to the Truth
And suddenly my eyes could see it Because it was right in front of me. And I knew you don’t care about rituals Or the mummeries of religion.
The only thing that you want
Is our whole being at every moment.
Hold me in your true embrace, Dear Lord;
Help me to see that I am transparent in your Light. Grant me awareness;
Keep my gratitude fresh each day.
Let my song give blessing and insight,
To those who can’t see for themselves.
And let the Truth of compassion always shine forth
From the depths of my heart-our one sacred heart. [Psalm 40]
Every single prayer is to return to the vibration of God’s Love. Because that is where humanity’s healing will come from, through that Divine Love, only through the Divine Love. You choose either heaven or hell, pain or joy in every moment. Make it your best choice. Make it your choice to choose harmony and peace, and to drink from the well of truth and to take the medicine as deeply, as deeply as often as you can possibly take it.
And when the arrogance of the ego comes up and says, “I got this. I know what’s going on. I can walk in this world”. That it takes you down to your knees and you realize I haven’t got a clue how to walk in this world. And if I don’t focus on the Truth of Love, my whole being will drift off into fear of the outside authority. And I’m not willing to hold anyone in this world as an outside authority when I have God as my true authority. I want to hold that for each beloved, which I must hold.
Then, joy is reality and joy is peace. And peace is joy. Your calling will be clear. You either hear the calling of Love to hold you and to hold others in that calling, or you listen to the game of fear of the outside world. What you’re here to demonstrate to other beloveds is the peace and the joy that comes from your heart, and the willingness to demonstrate the strength of the Truth of God. It may be that this is the most helpful element that you could bring in your entire lifetime. There are so many beloveds that are terribly afraid, and you have such a gift of bringing Love, light and Truth, that you can affect lives. You can change directions of lives by affirming the calling of God’s power/the power of healing.
Be ready and willing to accept the beloveds back as God created them and to see them in the Truth of who they truly are. When you hear somebody really afraid of what the future might hold, that you bring that reassurance of God’s love. Invite them to come and be in the present moment where Love really exists instead of in the world of the future and the past. The willingness to be present enough to bring that Truth to light. Maybe you thought that your task was something more traditional. I guarantee you your job is to bring love. Your calling is to bring peace. Your job is to bring clarity where there has not been any.
Gently, quietly, lovingly bring peace to all the beloveds who are really so frightened of the outside world. Bring them the true peace. Bring them the life raft that each beloved is looking for, bring them Truth. Bringing them Love itself. You have disowned the Truth in the past. But now Love is calling you to disown the falsities for humanity and for yourself also. And when it seems to pull on you, stop a moment and recognize that this is a call for Love. A true call for Love.
Learn to look on all situations and on every beloved with Love, appreciation and open mindedness. And it becomes such a glorious place of offering Love that you don’t want to do anything else. You don’t want to settle for anything else. But, all of it is offered with true humility, the humility of I am just walking here one day, one minute at a time, remembering Love, and to continue to do so. Peace is the life force and asks you to bring that life force to every beloved every moment that you can, bringing it completely into its complete truth. Pain is illusion. Love is reality. It becomes that simple. Every beloved is looking for a way home…respite. And you have the power to hold that for them and with them. Allow the Love to be carried for them.
Oh my Father give me strength,
Give me courage on this road.
To be a child of yours on earth
And walk the path that the Masters showed. Let me bring love. Let me bring peace.
Let me bring reality into the world,
Into every life, as I say YES. YES. YES. YES.
And God shouted yes, yes, yes to every luminous movement in existence. Yes, yes, yes.
Magnificent game of offering love. The Heart says YES.
Chris Celine © 2017
Aug 19 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 211
Aug 19, 2017 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ ACIM Workbook Lesson 211 ~ Review of Lesson (191) I am the holy Son of God Himself.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(191) I am the holy Son of God Himself.
In silence and in true humility I seek God’s glory, to behold
it in the Son whom He created as my Self.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
Tips from Regina ~ Review Lesson 211
Review instructions: Spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and evening contemplating today’s lesson. Repeat today’s idea at least hourly. Use today’s idea throughout the day.
Today’s review idea:
I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
I am the holy Son of God Himself.
Thoughts and feelings come and go. When we identify with a thought or feeling, and then link it to memories of similar circumstances, we create a false self. The false self is selective identification with temporary thoughts and feelings. Selective identification ignores the truth of what is always constant as one’s self. For this reason, selective identification is called ignorance.
Today we let go of selective identification. We see the difference between what comes and goes and what is constant. We identify with our true Self, constant awareness-life-presence. We live from the clarity of Self-realization instead of from the ignorance of identifying with passing thoughts and emotions.
Aug 18 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 210
Aug 18, 2017 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ ACIM Workbook Lesson 210 ~ Review of Lesson (190) I choose the joy of God instead of pain
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(190) I choose the joy of God instead of pain.
Pain is my own idea. It is not a Thought of God, but one I
thought apart from Him and from His Will. His Will is joy,
and only joy for His beloved Son. And that I choose, instead
of what I made.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me
Tips from Regina ~ Review Lesson 210
Review instructions: Spend at least 15 minutes in the morning and evening contemplating today’s lesson. Repeat today’s idea at least hourly. Use today’s idea throughout the day.
Today’s review idea:
I am not a body. I am free. For I am still as God created me.
I choose the joy of God instead of pain.
Emotional pain is the result of a decision in the mind. If I decide that something is unacceptable, I will suffer from that choice.
Freedom from suffering comes from the Loving All Method, because when we practice the Loving All Method we are choosing joy with all experiences. Love everything. If you can’t genuinely love it, emotionally accept it. If you can’t accept it, emotionally allow it. These choices lead to freedom from suffering.
Aug 17 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 209
Aug 17, 2017 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ ACIM Workbook Lesson 209 ~ Review of Lesson (189) I feel the Love of God within me now
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
(189) I feel the Love of God within me now.
The Love of God is what created me. The Love of God is
everything I am. The Love of God proclaimed me as His
Son. The Love of God within me sets me free.
I am not a body. I am free.
For I am still as God created me.
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