Facilitated by Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert & Connie Poole
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Audio & Homework – Week 36 Gentle Healing Group with Regina, 9/12/17
Regina Dawn Akers guides a group of committed students who would like to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy and love.
The reading tonight was In the World But Not of It by Gina Lake, pages 18-27 (Stop at the end of Chapter 1)
Homework for the upcoming week:
Homework Assignment A: Workbook lessons 236-242. Practice daily awareness-watching-awareness, Loving Consciousness or Abandon Release Method meditation for 20-40 minutes each day. Practice the “Loving All” Method.
Homework Assignment B: Read A Course in Miracles, Chapter 11, Section 5, The Dynamics of the Ego
9-11-17 ~ Regina & ‘I Am That’ – Awareness & Infinite Awareness
Regina Dawn Akers read and shared from her contemplation of Conversation #1, The Sense of ‘I am’ from I Am That: Talks with Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj.
Sept. 12 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 235
God in His mercy wills that I be saved.
I need but look upon all things that seem to hurt me, and with perfect certainty assure myself, “God wills that I be saved from this,” and merely watch them disappear. I need but keep in mind my Father’s Will for me is only happiness, to find that only happiness has come to me. And I need but remember that God’s Love surrounds His Son and keeps his sinlessness forever perfect, to be sure that I am saved and safe forever in His Arms. I am the Son He loves. And I am saved because God in His mercy wills it so.
Father, Your Holiness is mine. Your Love created me, and made my sinlessness forever part of You. I have no guilt nor sin in me, for there is none in You.
Tips from Regina ~ Lesson 235
Please take time this morning to read, “What is Salvation,” to contemplate Lesson 235, and to spend time in meditation. If you have 30-minutes for meditation and would like a gentle audio to guide you, I recommend this meditation by Michael Langford and Karen Worth
God in His mercy wills that I be saved.
Sometimes we experience resistance and frustration with the spiritual path and with ourselves as spiritual students. The superego (the self-criticizing part of the ego) is always ready to tell us how poorly we are doing on this path. It whispers that we will never awaken; we are not good enough to awaken.
The idea that we will never awaken is called “doubt.” Doubt is an ego preservation strategy, because if we believe doubt, we won’t fully dedicate ourselves to spiritual practice. Doubt, when it is believed, holds us back.
Ramana Maharshi said, “Realization is our true nature. It is nothing new to be gained. … Therefore there is no need to be doubting whether we would gain or lose the Self.” He recommended looking to see who or what doubts. When we look carefully, we notice the mind (the ego) doubts.
With right-reason, we can see that doubt benefits the ego. It is in our best interest to disregard doubt and continue with spiritual practice.
Doubt seems strongest when the ego is loud in our mind. That is when the superego is eager to tell us that we are spiritual failures. Interestingly, that is also when the ego is most vulnerable. That is when we have the best opportunity for healing the mind and transcending the ego. In other words, the ego attacks loudest when it feels itself losing control of our attention. It is fighting to “regain command and control.” (NTI Acts 14)
It has always been helpful for me to realize that when I appear to be failing, I am about to reach a break-through. The break-through will come if I do not give in to the ego voice. During the midst of the ego’s struggle, I choose to stick with my spiritual aspiration and with spiritual practice to the best of my ability (which seemed better on some days than others).
Today’s lesson says, “I need but look upon all things that seem to hurt me, and with perfect certainty assure myself, ‘God wills that I be saved from this,’ …”
That faith can be very important when the ego gets loud. We are not alone. The Self, with all of its knowledge, wisdom and love, is right here supporting us in our efforts to awaken to our Self.
Good News – Israel Trip Prices Have Dropped!
Let’s go to Israel!
I am very happy to report that the cost of the Israel 5-day extension trip has gone down. I asked for this reduction in price from our Israeli tour company, but it wasn’t approved prior to the Member Meeting on Sunday. However, on Monday I got an email and the price reduction is approved!
Nothing else has changed. It is still the same great 5-day itinerary with 4 and 5 star hotels. The only difference is the price is a little lower than it was before.
Trip Prices
7-day Pilgrimage, October 20 – 27:
$1698 per person shared room
$2475 per person single room
5-day Optional Extension Trip
October 28-Nov 1, New prices:
$1740 per person shared room ($155 less than announced)
$2298 per person sing room ($327 less than announced)
Our Prices Compared to Globus Travel
Globus is one of America’s leading travel agencies. The first time I went to Israel, I traveled with Globus. However, since then I have coordinated directly with Vered Hasharon Travel Agency in Israel to design pilgrimages specifically for us at lower rates. Look at the difference in price for travel itineraries that are nearly the same:
Our Pilgrimage Price: $1698 per person, shared room
Globus for a Comparable Trip: $2573 per person, shared room
Our Pilgrimage + Extension Total Price: $3438 per person, shared room
Globus for a Comparable Trip: $3838 per person, shared room
Spectacular Optional 5-day Extension
Let’s go to Israel!
Sept. 11 ~ Daily Contemplation ~ Lesson 234
Father, today I am Your Son again.
Today we will anticipate the time when dreams of sin and guilt are gone, and we have reached the holy peace we never left. Merely a tiny instant has elapsed between eternity and timelessness. So brief the interval there was no lapse in continuity, nor break in thoughts which are forever unified as one. Nothing has ever happened to disturb the peace of God the Father and the Son. This we accept as wholly true today.
We thank You, Father, that we cannot lose the memory of You and of Your Love. We recognize our safety, and give thanks for all the gifts You have bestowed on us, for all the loving help we have received, for Your eternal patience, and the Word which You have given us that we are saved.
Tips from Regina ~ Lesson 234
Lesson 234
Please take time this morning to read, “What is Salvation,” to contemplate Lesson 234, and to spend time in meditation. If you have 30-minutes for meditation and would like a gentle audio to guide you, I recommend this meditation by Michael Langford and Karen Worth:
Father, today I am Your Son again.
Today, we will notice our true Self throughout the day. Here are some questions you can use to help shift your attention for short glimpses of awareness throughout the day.
What is here, present, that has always been here and present?
What is constant (non-changing) as what I am?
What sees this sensation/pain?
What is aware of this sound?
What is here as I while this mood is present
that was also here as I when another mood was present?
What is giving attention to these thoughts?
What is aware of the body and the environment the body is in?
Also, here are some very brief exercises that you can try at different times during your day today. I recommend taking a break from whatever you are doing at 4 different times in your day, and giving your full attention to one video during each break. Each video is under 10 minutes long. Don’t just watch the video. Try the experiments as you watch or immediately after watching the video.
Loch Kelly – Awareness of Awareness
Richard Lang – Who are we really? (1B)
Douglas Harding – Out of Body Experiment
Greg Goode – A Guided Self-Inquiry Exercise
The videos above are for breaks during the day. This last video (14 mins) is for nighttime, just before going to bed:
Announcing an Oct 2018 Israel Pilgrimage
Awakening Together’s 2018 Fall Retreat
An Israel Pilgrimage
October 20 – 27, 2018
with an Optional 5-day Trip Extension
Travel with Regina Dawn Akers to exciting holy sites including Nazareth, the Jordan River, the Mount of Temptation, the Sea of Galilee, Capernaum, Old Jerusalem, the site of the last supper, the Garden of Gethsemane, Golgotha (the Place of the Skull), the Garden Tomb and much more.
Day-by-day itinerary.
$1698 per person, shared room
$2475 per person, single room
Prices include:
4-star hotels
- Breakfasts & dinners
- Admission to all sites
- Bus transportation & airport transfers
- Israeli tour guide
Price excludes airfare, lunches, tips and personal expenses.
5-Day Extension Trip
While you are in Israel, why not follow the pilgrimage with a spectacular vacation?
This optional extension trip will go to Qumran, the Dead Sea, Eilat, Petra (in Jordan) and Ein Ovdat. Click here for the full itinerary.
4 & 5 star hotels, breakfasts & dinners, site admissions, bus transportation and a tour guide are included in the price.
An Additional:
$1895 per person, shared room
$2625 per person, single room
~ ~ ~ ~
Important Information
Registration Form
Make Payments on Your Trip
Contact Us With Your Questions
9-10-17 Member Meeting Audio
In this member meeting, Rev. Regina Dawn Akers shared information about:
- 2017 Awakening Together Fall Retreat
- Our new website
- Changes in our Sanctuary Schedule
- Radio Apps – Android– iPhone
- 2018 Israel Pilgrimage
- Update on the Retreat House Campaign
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