Appearances are like a stop.
When you believe in them
you are limited by your belief.
To experience your Self
and the all
as unlimited
let go of the limits of appearances.
~From our Holy Spirit
A universal assembly for true discernment
Appearances are like a stop.
When you believe in them
you are limited by your belief.
To experience your Self
and the all
as unlimited
let go of the limits of appearances.
~From our Holy Spirit
Aliveness has a Voice.
It is the Voice for all,
because Life
is the one unifying field.
When appearances are seen
as having no meaning,
the Voice for Life is clear.
When appearances are seen as meaningful
and requiring a response for salvation,
the Voice for Life may seem weak,
or it may not be heard at all.
Let go of appearances.
Trust what your eyes cannot see.
~From our Holy Spirit
Let go of appearances today
by looking at the aliveness
that is.
When you look at aliveness
and celebrate aliveness
for the simplicity and perfection
that it is,
appearances are not judged,
because appearances are seen
to be meaningless.
~From our Holy Spirit
Love is living,
and love is
all there is.
Open your eyes.
This is the one unifying field.
It is life living now.
~From our Holy Spirit
What are you
if you are not bad?
What is life
if it isn’t fearful?
You are perfect freedom,
and beyond imagination,
although imagination is included
within the boundlessness
of your freedom.
Life is a word
for what you are.
is living
and free
and without end.
~From our Holy Spirit
Fear says, “I am not love.
I am something bad.”
And so fear
runs and hides
and attacks and defends
and runs and hides some more.
But fear is only an idea in the mind.
It is a story.
It is not truth at all.
To see and realize truth
as it is right now
one must not listen
to the stories of fear.
To not listen
is not to believe.
To not listen
is to remember
that what fear says
isn’t true.
~From our Holy Spirit
Pause for a moment today
and ask
“What is experience?”
“Where does experience come from?”
Look carefully
until you know you have found
the answer,
for the end of all suffering
is in sight.
~From our Holy Spirit
Fear will hold you back from forgiveness.
Fear will hold you back
from letting go of
a false idea as false.
Fear will tell you
that it protects you from harm
and to let go of the idea in question
is to open up to complete vulnerability
and harm.
But fear is just a story.
Fear is an illusion itself.
It promises to care for you,
but what it says isn’t true.
Look at the idea of fear.
Look at its counsel
until you see it isn’t true.
You are free to practice forgiveness
when you’ve learned
not to listen to fear.
~From our Holy Spirit
When you look at an idea
that is false,
look at it until you know
it is false.
Do not let yourself say,
“This idea is false,”
when in truth
you believe it is true.
Hold the idea in your mind
for the purpose of looking at it,
trusting that it is false,
until you see it is not true.
When your own recognition
sees the falseness of an idea
that isn’t true
the idea and its mesmerism
will begin to fade away.
~From our Holy Spirit
False ideas are false ideas
which means
they simply are not true.
Try not to worry
about false ideas.
When you worry
you are stating
the idea has some meaning
to be worried about.
But if it is false,
which means it is merely untrue,
does it merit your attention and worry?
Respond to false ideas
with no attention except this:
Look at the idea.
See it as false,
and realize it does not merit your attention.
Then follow through
by taking a break
and letting the false idea
pass by.
~From our Holy Spirit