Forgiveness is seeing past appearances
to accept the truth
that is always there.
Forgiveness is not denying reality.
It is accepting it.
But one cannot accept reality
by insisting that stories are true.
~From our Holy Spirit
A universal assembly for true discernment
Forgiveness is seeing past appearances
to accept the truth
that is always there.
Forgiveness is not denying reality.
It is accepting it.
But one cannot accept reality
by insisting that stories are true.
~From our Holy Spirit
There is nothing that exists
that is different
from anything else that exists.
It is all the same,
regardless of its appearances.
To focus on appearances
is to focus on the story,
and that is to miss the celebration,
which is all around you
and within you
What do you want to see?
What do you choose
to focus on and believe?
~From our Holy Spirit
Formless beauty
that cannot change
has no end,
and so there is nothing to fear.
Seeing truth is celebration,
because it is also seeing
that there is nothing that exists
that is not also celebration.
~From our Holy Spirit
The vision of
the one unifying field
lets you see you
in all things and
in everyone.
This is seeing life
as life
in the celebration
of life.
Take a moment now
to feel and appreciate God.
You are reaching beyond appearances
to formless beauty
that cannot change.
~From our Holy Spirit
Continuous focus on Source
is continuous awareness of life
and the flow of life.
This is to be connected
through awareness
with the all
as the one unifying field.
Being connected as
the one unifying field
is not seeing yourself
as apart from it
or apart from anything.
This is to make no distinction
and to see no separate parts
and no varying levels of importance.
All is one
in a perfect flow
of harmony.
~From our Holy Spirit
The emphasis of distinction
or importance
placed on one thing over another
separates each idea
from its source.
This act of rejection
is the cause of all pain.
Being aware of reality
is continuous focus on Source.
In this, there is no rejection,
and so there is only joy.
~From our Holy Spirit
Pain is part of the story.
Therefore, pain
to any degree or measure
is a sign
that you are placing importance
on the story.
When you place importance
on the story
you are not aware of reality.
In this way,
you are confused,
and this is the cause
of your pain.
~From our Holy Spirit
Watching the story
and being guided within it
by a Voice that is not
part of the story
is not the same
as believing
and being involved with
the story.
One must take a step back
with an awareness
that the story isn’t important
in order to be guided
by a Voice
that is not part of the story.
Pain is part of the story.
Therefore, the only answer
to all problems of pain
is to willingly step back
from the story.
~From our Holy Spirit
One can live within the story,
while being aware of reality.
This is what is meant by
One who is awakened
does not fear,
because that one knows
what he looks upon
and lives within.
To hold to the story as true
is not to awaken.
To awaken
one must be willing
to let go of all appearances
as not true.
~From our Holy Spirit
Appearances are like stories.
They only seem more real
because they seem to be outside of you.
But just as you noticed
that stories are merely stories,
you can see
that appearances are stories too.
Start by observing appearances
without immediately investing belief in them.
Withhold belief even a little,
and see if you don’t start to see
appearances as stories.
~From our Holy Spirit