Thank You for Answering Our Call to Write Letters to the IRS
Dearest Members,
Thank you very much for responding to our request to write letters to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) regarding your experience with Awakening Together. We have forwarded 43 heartfelt letters from members along with several other documents in order to express to the IRS that we are, indeed, a strong and close like-minded spiritual community who deserves to be recognized as a church.
If you would like to learn more about our application for church status, please join us in the Sanctuary for our quarterly Member Meeting on Sunday, September 13 at 8pm ET.
With great love and in gratitude,
Regina Dawn Akers
Satsang with Ram Das Batchelder, Sunday, August 16, 8pm ET
Join Regina Dawn Akers in the Awakening Together Sanctuary for Satsang with Ram Das Batchelder at 8pm ET on Sunday.
Ram Das Batchelder was born in Pennsylvania in 1961, had a spiritual awakening in his early twenties, and has spent most of the last 25 years in India as a devotee of Amma, the “hugging Saint.” He has written four children’s books, which have been translated into several European languages, and also a novel in rhyming verse, three full-length plays, and 40 original songs. In 2012, he and his wife, Tarini Ma, wrote and co-taught a university course on Hinduism in Venezuela. He has given numerous talks and workshops about various aspects of spirituality in many locations around the world. He and his wife are currently offering 5-star tours of the sacred cities of India, to both Spanish and English-speaking groups.
“Rising in Love: My Wild and Crazy Ride to Here and Now, with Amma, the Hugging Saint” tells the story of Ram Das Batchelder’s powerful marijuana-fuelled spiritual awakening in America (which included meeting an angel), his two-year struggle with delusion and addiction, his subsequent renunciation of drugs, and his eventual discovery of Amma (the living Guru known in the West as “the Hugging Saint”). The narrative then covers the 27 amazing years he has spent in quest of Enlightenment as Amma’s devotee, most of that time in India. It is a story of profound healing from drug addiction and despair into a joyfully fulfilled life, and is therefore a ray of hope for all who suffer from addiction or mental illness of one kind or another.
(Rising in Love’s publication was directly approved by Amma, and contains 22 photos of her. All royalties from the sale of Rising in Love are being donated to Amma’s orphanage in Kerala, India, which houses 500 children and consistently turns out some of the most successful high school graduates in the state, one-third of whom go on to earn college degrees.)
How You Can Help Awakening Together Get Church Status
Dear Awakening Together Members,
As you know, Awakening Together has applied for church status with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is currently under review. In the past, another internet organization applied for church status and their request was denied. Their court case is a well-known court case, The Foundation of Human Understanding vs. United States.
In that court case, The Foundation of Human Understanding was turned down for church status because their organization operated as an internet radio broadcast. The court determined that there was no evidence that the listeners of their broadcast had a shared or communal worship experience.
In order to receive church status, we must show that our members associate with each other regularly and participate in shared, communal worship. We feel that our Sanctuary allows association and shared, communal worship because of the interactivity provided through PalTalk.
Here’s How You Can Help
We are now on a short-deadline to respond to an IRS Request for Information. In that response, we need to show whether our members feel that they do or do not associate with one another on a regular basis and whether they feel they do or do not have a shared, communal worship experience through Awakening Together.
Please send an email addressed to the Internal Revenue Service describing your genuine experience with Awakening Together. Do you experience association and shared, communal worship with other members? How long have you been coming into the Sanctuary? Why do you come into the Sanctuary? Is there something about Awakening Together that makes it your church of choice? Describe your experience.
What Needs to be in Your Email
Your email must include your full name, telephone number and mailing address so that the IRS may contact you if they choose to. (Note: The IRS will not respond via email.)
When We Need Your Email By
We must receive your email by Saturday, August 15.
Where to Send Your Email
You may send the email to or send it via Contact.
Thank you very much for your assistance.
Regina Dawn Akers, Jacquelyn Eckert & Barbara Deurwaarder
This Sunday in the Awakening Together Sanctuary:
Lovely Place for an Awakening Together Retreat Center
A great opportunity for an Awakening Together Retreat Center is Available Now. It is a 37 acre farm in the Spanish Peaks Region south of Pueblo, Colorado. Native Americans considered this region to be holy, and there is a compelling energy that draws one in as one gets closer and closer to these magnificent peaks.
This farm comes with a fenced garden, lovely acreage for walking and meditating, a gorgeous home with solar panels, and a large space for gatherings and retreats. It is a perfect opportunity and well priced at only $399,000 including the acreage.
Please donate now to purchase property for an Awakening Together Retreat Center.
Pictures of the Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs – Where the Fall Retreat will be held
Welcome Our Three New Trustees!
The Member Board of Trustees is very happy to announce the results of Awakening Together’s 2015 Summer Election. The three members who were elected to the Member Board of Trustees are:
Carrie Christiansen
Carrie Christiansen was born Quaker and raised in a family with a focus on humanitarian activism. Many traditions and teachers have influenced her in this life. Her consciously committed spiritual journey began in the early 90s when motivated by a “dark night of the soul,” she decided to study ACIM, which her mother had given her 2 years earlier. Horses have been her lifelong interest and vocation. Carrie is an Interfaith minister, a Religious Science Practitioner and is active in prison ministry. She also does healing work for humans and animals in the Shamanic tradition. She is an Awakening Together Licensed Minster.
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Sonja Spahn
Sonja Spahn is a joyful servant of Awakening. Introduced to ACIM after the death of her husband, she joined with mighty companions who followed the same path and absolutely nothing has been the same since! They joined in dedication to enjoy serious discipleship of spiritual teachings such as The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI), The Teachings of Inner Ramana, The Way of Mastery and the teachings of Joel Goldsmith. Educated as a journalist, Sonja is most happy when sharing the messages of Awakening. She has facilitated an ACIM group for many years; the current group meets via conference call early each morning.
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Gloria Wells
Gloria Wells brings an open heart, empty hands and agape love to Awakening Together with great willingness to be of service to the one true Self appearing as many. Gloria’s journey of awakening has been fortified by the sacred teachings of ACIM and NTI. She is an Awakening Together Licensed Minister.
Full List of Presenters for the ACIM Conference in Las Vegas, April 8-10, 2016
Opportunity to Buy Tickets at the Pre-Launch Price of $449!
The 2016 ACIM Conference has not been formally launched yet. However, as one of the presenters at the conference, I have permission to offer you the opportunity to purchase tickets at a pre-launch discount price of $449.
Note: Once the conference is formally launched, the price will go up to $499, and then the price will continue to rise every few months until the actual conference in April 2016.
To get your tickets at the pre-lauch price of $449,
email Community Miracles Center at
or call them at (415) 621-2556.
Be sure to tell them you were inspired by Regina Dawn Akers & Awakening Together
to register for the Las Vegas ACIM conference.
List of Presenters:
Regina Dawn Akers
Jerry Cusimano
Candace Doyle and DavidPaul Doyle
Maria Felipe
David Fishman and Veronica Gabrielle Labarrie
Bill Free and Lisa Natoli
Mary Gerard Lenihan
Larry Glenz and Myron Jones
Jennifer Hadley
Jon Marc Hammer(Jayem)
David Hoffmeister
Yasuko Kasaki
Greg Macki
Maureen Muldoon
Jon Mundy Ph.D.
Mari Perron
Tony Ponticello
Earl Raj Purdy
Amy Torres
James Twyman
Craig Villarrubia and Corinne Zupko

Special note: The conference price includes dinner on Friday evening, lunch & dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday. It also includes a live band, “The Unauthorized Rolling Stones” for dance and entertainment after the sessions on Saturday night.
The Las Vegas conference will be held at the Rio All-Suite Hotel, an off-strip hotel with casino, pool, spa, fitness center, shows and more.

Jon Marc Hammer(Jayem)

Special note: The conference price includes dinner on Friday evening, lunch & dinner on Saturday and brunch on Sunday. It also includes a live band, “The Unauthorized Rolling Stones” for dance and entertainment after the sessions on Saturday night.
The Las Vegas conference will be held at the Rio All-Suite Hotel, an off-strip hotel with casino, pool, spa, fitness center, shows and more.

Back Again! – Tony Samara for Awakening Together Satsang, Sunday at 8pm ET
Tony Samara was our guest last month for Awakening Together Satsang. However, the interview was cut off early due to a lost connection, so Tony is returning this month for another Satsang interview with Regina.
This month’s interview will cover topics including:
- Embracing the creative moment of this now
- Transcending the inner saboteur
- Learning to let the Heart make choices for us
- The connection between the brain and choices
- Realizing who I am
- The Keys to Meditation
Please join us in the Awakening Together Sanctuary this Sunday evening, July 19, from 8-9:30pm ET for Satsang interview with Tony Samara.
If you would like to hear last month’s interview, click here.
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