Teaching in the Awakening Together Sanctuary is a great way to strengthen your ability to allow spontaneous inner wisdom to come through you.
If you are interested in taking a half-hour time slot and teaching in the Awakening Together Sanctuary, please submit a program proposal. Here’s how:
- Take a look at the Program Schedule and pick an open 30-minute time slot that fits your schedule.
- Select an inspirational book to inspire your sharing. Here is a list of books for you to consider, but you are not restricted to this list when picking the right book for you.
- Decide on a name for your program.
- Write to awakeningtogethersanctuary@gmail.com with a brief program proposal to include the desired time slot, the name of your program and a brief description. For example:
I am interested in taking a time slot in the Sanctuary on Monday evenings. I could teach at either 7pm or 7:30pm ET. I would like to share from The Unfindable Query by Scott Kiloby. I want to learn Scott’s method of inqury. I plan to read from Scott’s book, share about what I am reading, and practice Scott’s query method on myself as part of my program. The title for my program is “Insight Through Inquiry.”
You may also propose the number of weeks you would like to teach or you may leave it open-ended. Once we receive your proposal, we will review it and get back to you.