Regina Dawn Akers reads selections from books by Bernadette Roberts. The purpose of this inspired book study is to learn from one who walked through the final doorway to no self, no world, no God–Only Reality.
A universal assembly for true discernment
Regina Dawn Akers reads selections from books by Bernadette Roberts. The purpose of this inspired book study is to learn from one who walked through the final doorway to no self, no world, no God–Only Reality.
Please read and contemplate quotes #397-400 in The Seven Steps to Awakening with your inner teacher. This is the last quote today:
There is no way other than Self-knowledge for the cutting asunder of bondage and for crossing this ocean of illusion.
Note: The next Daily Contemplation will be available tomorrow morning after 2am ET at this link.
Please read and contemplate quotes #393-396 in The Seven Steps to Awakening with your inner teacher. This is the last quote today:
When one is firmly established in Self-knowledge, which is infinite, unlimited and unconditioned, then the delusion or ignorance that gave rise to the world-appearance comes to an end.
Note: The next Daily Contemplation will be available tomorrow morning after 2am ET at this link.
Please read and contemplate quotes #389-392 in The Seven Steps to Awakening with your inner teacher. This is the last quote today:
The Self is real, birth and death are imaginary.
Note: The next Daily Contemplation will be available tomorrow morning after 2am ET at this link.
Please read and contemplate quotes #385-388 in The Seven Steps to Awakening with your inner teacher. This is the last quote today:
That alone can be regarded as the truth which has always been and which will always be.
Note: The next Daily Contemplation will be available tomorrow morning after 2am ET at this link.
Regina Dawn Akers looked at Quote #9 in The Nisargadatta Gita. She also played an audio by Roger Castillo.
July is one of the most beautiful months in the mountains, so it is the perfect time to embrace meditation and nature with a committed group of friends at the Awakening Together Retreat House in La Veta.
At this retreat, you will learn to focus on the ‘I am’ presence to the exclusion of all else as taught by Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj and his guru, Sri Siddharameshwar Maharaj.
Using guidance provided through Nisargadatta’s teachings, you will determine the difference between the ‘I am’ presence and the ego, you will observe how the ego attempts to distract you from the ‘I am’ presence, and you will learn to ignore the ego’s distractions so you can follow the direct path to awakening as Nisargadatta did. You will have ample opportunity for meditation, contemplation and journaling on your own, as well as spending time in group instruction, meditation and discussion. We will also explore how you can continue to be motivated to meditate after you go home from this retreat.
Much of this retreat will occur outdoors in beautiful Colorado.
The retreat will begin at 10am on Monday, July 22 and end at 3pm on Friday, July 26. We recommend arriving in La Veta on or before Sunday, July 21 and departing on or after Saturday, July 27.
All guests are welcome to stay at the AT Retreat House for up to 28 days. Longer stays are possible with permission.
Please read and contemplate quotes #381-384 in The Seven Steps to Awakening with your inner teacher. This is the last quote today:
This creation is nothing but the creation of the mind: this is the truth; the rest is but a fanciful description.
Note: The next Daily Contemplation will be available tomorrow morning after 2am ET at this link.
Click the link below to read the minutes from this meeting.
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