Audio Links:
Quotes #574-575
(incl. reteaching #571-573)
Quote #640
(Along with a review of #506)
A universal assembly for true discernment
What Is a Miracle?
Let’s review what we’ve already contemplated about the miracle in order to look at the miracle as a whole.
Today I let Christ’s vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one a miracle of love instead.
Today we give the freedom that we seek by practicing the Loving All Method instead of judgment.
Please read today’s workbook lesson in full. Notice a phrase, sentence or excerpt that you feel particularly attracted to and go into it more deeply through writing. I have demonstrated this practice repeatedly by selecting an excerpt from the special theme and writing based on that excerpt. Increased clarity can come through this type of focused contemplation. The clarity that is perfect for you will come through the selection you are attracted to. You can open up to this clarity by asking to see what is most helpful for you to see, and then begin writing with faith that this prayer will be answered.
Meditation Options
Description:This class encourages participants to access their inner wisdom using a tactile, creative process as they move through a spiritual purification journey. SoulCollage® is a creative process of making collaged cards that facilitate a dialogue with your inner guidance. We will allow insights to arise as we read and contemplate The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer. Intuitively, participants will select “soul stirring” images from magazines that reflect insights gained through their spiritual readings, visible and invisible allies, guidance, challengers, and ego tendencies. Collage, an art process easy for anyone—both men and women, allows one to gracefully tap into the depths of the soul in a nourishing and profound way. Artistic ability is not required as the focus of this class is to access inner wisdom using images as prompts. During the class, participants will begin creating a multi-suit deck of cards. After the class, more cards can be added to contemplate, meditate and journal with, and consult from for a lifetime.
fPlatform: ZOOM Online Meeting Platform
Private Facebook group page dedicated to this class.
Classes will be recorded but only made available to those who participate.
Instructor: Doreen Bonnet, Awakening Together Minister and Certified SoulCollage® Facilitator.
Book: The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer
(References will be used from other sources)
Class Format: 2 hour class – one chapter per week (Intro and 19 chapters)
SoulCollage elements covered:
A dynamic process will be allowed in presenting this class. Participants will be encouraged to make cards according to their own inner prompting and guidance within the present time. For example, if we speak about the SoulEssence Card in week three, it doesn’t mean the homework for week 3 is to you’re your SoulEssence Card. The images for the card may present themselves in week 5. On the other hand, a participant may be drawn to images and create a card without knowing its true meaning. Weeks later, the meaning may reveal itself through a spiritual teaching/inquiry or in some other way. Participants will be encouraged to lay efforting aside in making their SoulCollage® cards.
Homework: Make at least one card per week. Spend quality time with the card(s). Occasional supplemental homework might be offered.
Date/Time: Wednesdays, 8-10pm ET beginning on January 17, 2018 using ZOOM Online Meeting Platform. Use of ZOOM is free for meeting participants.
Phase 1 – Introduction through Chapter 6 (7 classes)
Phase 2 – Chapter 7 through 13 (7 classes)
Phase 3 – Chapter 14 through 19 (6 classes)
*Week off in between phases.
*New participants can join in at beginning of each phase. Reading and viewing prerequisites for new participants that begin at Phase 2 and Phase 3.
Sliding Scale Pricing Per Phase. Pay the price level you feel most guided to pay. 50% of your fee will be donated to Awakening Together.
Level 1 Pricing – $60
Level 2 Pricing – $80
Level 3 Pricing – $100
Level 4 Pricing – $120
Other Costs:
Book: The Untethered Soul, by Michael Singer.
Supplies: blank cards, glue, scissors, frame guides, magazines, and journal. Once registered, participants will receive a detailed description of each supply item. The cost will depend on what is preferred by the participant. Various options from economical to more expensive and ideas on where supplies can be purchased or obtained will be provided
For more information on SoulCollage®:
Examples of SoulCollage® Cards:
Inner Wisdom Child: I am one who reminds you of the inner wisdom that has always been with you … even as a child and beyond time. I remind you of your innocence and your unique role in this tapestry of existence. The bumps and valleys of your life are by design to support you in your growth. You must bow, surrender, and pray to allow nourishment in a season of the seeming desolate and dry valley. What nourishes you clings to you; what does not nourish you is repelled. This is grace. Striking change is always on the horizon in this life. Remember, you are built for this. It is your spiritual curriculum.
Thinking Man: “I am one whose incessant thinking leads to a distorted view of myself —swollen with guilt, shame, arrogance. I am enticed and distracted by the beautiful mental maze I create that contains, and attempts to hide, the beliefs, judgements, regrets, doubts, confusion, avoidance, etc. The distortion is visible, however, and I become concerned about how I’m seen to others and I find myself, once again, in the maze. When I am in this state, I am reminded to refocus my mind from my head to my Heart. My Heart will teach me the way out of the maze. I am so conditioned to focus on my superficial heart or superficial heart matters that when I consider my Real Heart, it too, seems amiss to my own current understanding. It seems unreachable.”
Purification: I am one who is being cleansed. A façade that has never been true is now being washed away. I may, at times, feel scared, vulnerable or abandoned, yet, I am divinely protected. I am nourished with all that I need to thrive. I can rest peacefully. Inside me lies the grace of the lioness—regal and strong, quiet and playful,
fierce and calm.
Grace: I am one who is nourished in the grace of God as I embark on the dance of life.
Satyagraha: I am one transforms through my insistence on Truth and Love.
“In one village a notoriously fierce communal agitator came up to Gandhi in front of hundreds of paralyzed onlookers, put his hands around Gandhi’s slender throat, and began choking the life out of him. Such is the height to which Gandhi had grown that there was not even a flicker of hostility in his eyes, not a word of protest. He yielded himself completely to the flood of love within him, and the man broke down like a little child and fell sobbing at his feet. For those who watched, it seemed a miracle. For Gandhi, who had got used to the “miracles” of love, it only proved for the hundredth time in his own life the depth of the words … “Hatred does not cease by hatred at any time; hatred ceases by love. This is an unalterable law.” ’ – Eknath Easwaran, Gandhi the Man: The Story of His Transformation.
1/14/09, Your Brother is Your Gift to Yourself
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1/28/09, Looking at Demands & Control
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2/11/09, Mind-Watching & the Role of the Holy Spirit
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3/11/09, Make It All the Same, Part 1
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3/25/09, Make It All the Same, Part 2
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4/8/09, All About the Body
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4/22/09, When the Ones We Love Do Not Share Our Desire for Awakening
Click here for written messages
5/6/09, Separateness is Illusion
Click here for written messages
5/20/09, The Levels of Consciousness
Click for written message & diagram
6/17/09, Letting Go of Doubt
Click here for written messages
9/2/09, To Let Go of Ego, Don’t Do What Ego Says
10/18/09, To Awaken to Self, See Ego as Meaningless
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10/25/09, Best Use of Time
Click here for written messages
11/1/09, Spontaneous Discussion
Q & A, No Written Message
11/8/09, The Authority Problem
11/22/09, The Level of Decision
11/29/09, Step Away from Reliance on Yourself
12/6/09, The Reality of Relationships
12/13/09, Do I Want the Problem or the Answer?
12/20/09, Forgiving Guilt, Fear & Unworthiness
12/27/09, Forgiving Betrayal & Hatred
Audio Files:
Audio 2: Who Am I?, #2
Am I the Body? Meditation
Audio 3: Who Am I?, #3
Existence-Consciousness-Bliss Meditation
Audio 15: Spiritual Instruction, #1
Audio 16: Spiritual Instruction, #2
Audio 19: Practice, #3
The Story of Ramana Maharshi & Papaji
Audio 20: Practice, #4
The Story of Ramana Maharshi & Robert Adams
Link to the book I read from in Practice #3 & #4
Audio Links:
What Is a Miracle?
Our special theme says, “The miracle is taken first on faith, because to ask for it implies the mind has been made ready to conceive of what it cannot see and does not understand. Yet faith will bring its witnesses to show that what it rested on is really there. And thus the miracle will justify your faith in it, and show it rested on a world more real than what you saw before; a world redeemed from what you thought was there.”
When talking about the phases one goes through in the development of trust, A Course in Miracles Manual for Teachers says:
[The teacher of God] thought he learned willingness, but now he sees that he does not know what the willingness is for. … He must learn to lay all judgment aside, and ask only what he really wants in every circumstance. Were not each step in this direction so heavily reinforced, it would be hard indeed!
This paragraph comforted me during many trials along this path. The trials were times that I feared real sacrifice was about to occur. For example, there were times that I feared running out of money, because by following guidance I left a traditional job and began to do what I was guided to do without any direct source of income. I was worried about how I would care for my daughter and myself; my daughter was only a little girl at the time. That paragraph from the Manual for Teachers reminded me to ask only for what I really want, which is awakening, and it promised that the rightness of that choice would be “heavily reinforced.”
My experience has been that this works. It is as Jesus taught, “Seek ye first the kingdom, and all else will be added to you.”
Again today, we are looking at the power of faith and asking, with asking focused on truth and not on conditions in the world. As we stay focused on seeking truth, the creative principle responds by providing the most helpful material circumstances.
When our special theme says, “faith will bring its witnesses to show that what it rested on is really there,” it is pointing to both the shift in perception and its material effects. Both are “witnesses,” which “heavily reinforce” our choice to abide as unaffected.
It is a mistake to expect a specific material outcome as a result of faith. Whenever we expect or desire a specific outcome, we think with ego, and so it is the energy of ego that is fed into the creative principle on our behalf. To feed the energy of the miracle into the creative principle, we must seek only for truth (in whatever way your mind words that aspiration). It is this seeking that brings the miracle, its effects and the positive reinforcement.
I have no cause for anger or for fear, for You surround me. And in every need that I perceive, Your grace suffices me.
Today’s lesson says, “Father, let me remember You are here, and I am not alone. Surrounding me is everlasting Love. I have no cause for anything except the perfect peace and joy I share with You. … God’s grace suffices us in everything that He would have us do. And only that we choose to be our will as well as His.”
Today, let’s notice our concerns.
Meditation Options
1/2/08, Moving Into Trust
Click here for written messages
1/16/08, Answers to Metaphysical Questions
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1/30/08, Selfish & Cruel
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2/13/08, Letting Go of Idols, Part 1
Letting Go of Idols, Part 2
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2/27/08, Fear & Judgment Reducers
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3/12/08, Put Your Fear Aside, part 1
Put Your Fear Aside, part 2
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5/7/08, Seeking Clarity on Who I Am
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5/21/08, Seeking Clarity on Teachings
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6/4/08, Forgiveness & Attack
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7/16/08, The Habit of Judgment
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7/30/08, Understanding Divine Law
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8/13/08, We are Existence
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8/27/08, We are Never Alone
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9/10/08, We are One & Existence Itself
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9/24/08, Is is & Is is you
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11/5/08, Fear and Grievances
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11/19/08, Seeing my Brother the Same as me
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12/3/08, The World is not Real
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12/17/08, Forgiveness
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