This month we discussed ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon.’
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July’s movie is “The Nines” starring Ryan Reynolds and Melissa McCarthy. Our next movie discussion is Sunday, 7/24/16 at 8pm ET.
A universal assembly for true discernment
This month we discussed ‘Brother Sun, Sister Moon.’
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July’s movie is “The Nines” starring Ryan Reynolds and Melissa McCarthy. Our next movie discussion is Sunday, 7/24/16 at 8pm ET.
Our Weekly Gathering is Sunday at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Reverend Jacquelyn Eckert’s topic today was “Love is for Giving”. We will look more closely at the Truth behind the notion that we are the source of love rather than its recipient from an outside source and that we need merely practice turning our awareness to ourselves as source in order to experience love in its full and pure form.
Rubye Nassar read from the article, “Love is for Giving”, by Nirmala. Here is a link to this reading
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“He travels with whoever looks for Him, and having taken a seeker by the hand, He arouses him to go in search of himself.” Al-Ansari
Our Weekly Gathering is Sunday at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Reverend Jacquelyn Eckert’s topic is “Love is for Giving”. We will look more closely at the Truth behind the notion that we are the source of love rather than its recipient from an outside source and that we need merely practice turning our awareness to ourselves as source in order to experience love in its full and pure form.
Rubye Nassar will be our reader. She will read from the article, “Love is for Giving”, by Nirmala.
Spirit Led Movie Watcher’s Group
Join Jacquelyn Eckert this Sunday evening at 8:00 PM Eastern time for this fun discussion group. Our movie this month is “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Italian: Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna) is a 1972 film directed by Franco Zeffirelli and starring Graham Faulkner and Judi Bowker. The film is an examination of the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Movies are modern day parables. Watching movies with your inner guide can inform rather than just entertain you. This Spirit Led Movie Watchers Discussion Group will facilitate the participants’ ability to identify spiritual themes in everyday movies and to use movies as a way of uncovering unconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in.
In the final week of this 8-week class with Gina Lake, you will learn how to free yourself from the false self and its negative and limiting beliefs. You will see clearly how the egoic mind, which creates the false self, operates and draws you into its illusory, virtual reality and how all suffering is created by believing the lies in the egoic thought-stream. More importantly, you will discover what you can do about it—how you can detach from the egoic mind and align, instead, with your true self. You will see how living in alignment with the true self is not only more creative, wise, peaceful, and loving, but also safe and provides for all your needs. This course is essentially about how to move out of the egoic mind and live from a deeper place, which is accessed in the present moment.
If you are inspired by the current mini-series, please support the guest teacher with a donation. 100% of the donations made from this page go directly to the current guest teacher (minus the PayPal fee). Suggested donation is $2-$10 per week. Donations are tax deductible for US citizens under IRS code 501(c)(3).
Donate to the Gina Lake Mini-Series
Gina’s mini-series is offered on Sunday from May 8 – June 26 at 9pm ET. Since Gina is offering an 8-week mini-series, the total one-time suggested donation is $16-$80. Thank you for your generosity.
“It is quite natural, in pursuing enlightenment or just in trying to be happier, to look to your everyday experience for signs of results. Indeed, your daily life is nothing else but an expression of your spiritual condition.” Thaddeus Golas
Our Weekly Gathering is Sunday at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Reverend Jacquelyn Eckert’s topic is “Love is for Giving”. We will look more closely at the Truth behind the notion that we are the source of love rather than its recipient from an outside source and that we need merely practice turning our awareness to ourselves as source in order to experience love in its full and pure form.
Rubye Nassar will be our reader. She will read from the article, “Love is for Giving”, by Nirmala.
Spirit Led Movie Watcher’s Group
Join Jacquelyn Eckert this Sunday evening at 8:00 PM Eastern time for this fun discussion group. Our movie this month is “Brother Sun, Sister Moon”.
Brother Sun, Sister Moon (Italian: Fratello Sole, Sorella Luna) is a 1972 film directed by Franco Zeffirelli and starring Graham Faulkner and Judi Bowker. The film is an examination of the life of Saint Francis of Assisi.
Movies are modern day parables. Watching movies with your inner guide can inform rather than just entertain you. This Spirit Led Movie Watchers Discussion Group will facilitate the participants’ ability to identify spiritual themes in everyday movies and to use movies as a way of uncovering unconscious beliefs about ourselves and the world we live in.
In the final week of this 8-week class with Gina Lake, you will learn how to free yourself from the false self and its negative and limiting beliefs. You will see clearly how the egoic mind, which creates the false self, operates and draws you into its illusory, virtual reality and how all suffering is created by believing the lies in the egoic thought-stream. More importantly, you will discover what you can do about it—how you can detach from the egoic mind and align, instead, with your true self. You will see how living in alignment with the true self is not only more creative, wise, peaceful, and loving, but also safe and provides for all your needs. This course is essentially about how to move out of the egoic mind and live from a deeper place, which is accessed in the present moment.
If you are inspired by the current mini-series, please support the guest teacher with a donation. 100% of the donations made from this page go directly to the current guest teacher (minus the PayPal fee). Suggested donation is $2-$10 per week. Donations are tax deductible for US citizens under IRS code 501(c)(3).
Donate to the Gina Lake Mini-Series
Gina’s mini-series is offered on Sunday from May 8 – June 26 at 9pm ET. Since Gina is offering an 8-week mini-series, the total one-time suggested donation is $16-$80. Thank you for your generosity.
“The doorway to Divinity is located and available as a direct experience in the exact split second of ‘now’ which is discernable between two thoughts.” David Hawkins
“If you, as an individual, no longer found an identity from your thoughts, then you would break free of time and enter the sweetness and clarity of the timeless.” Bernie Prior
“Ego can be defined as whatever covers up basic goodness. From an experiential point of view, what is ego covering up? It’s covering up our experience of just being here, just fully being where we are, so that we can relate to the immediacy of our experience.” Pema Chödrön
“The ego is the single biggest obstacle to the achievement of anything. Between-ness is the acting without ego. You act, but you are not the actor. You do things, but you are not the doer – you know you are not the doer. It is the ability to hold the head at a dead standstill in order to affect certain changes. You desire the change, but you do not care if it comes to pass.” Richard Rose