“My Life As A Ransom for Many”
Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
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A universal assembly for true discernment
Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
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“If you are offering your gift at the altar, and there remember that your brother has something against you, leave your gift there before the alter and go; first be reconciled to your brother and then come and offer your gift.” Matthew 5:23-24
“Knowledge can be communicated, but not wisdom. One can find it, live it, be fortified by it, do wonders through it, but one cannot communicate and teach it.” Hermann Hesse (Siddhartha)
“Truth comes to an innocent mind as a blessing and a sacrament. Truth is a holy thing because it liberates thought from itself and illumines the human heart from the inside out.” Adyashanti (My Secret is Silence)
The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI) is a scribed interpretation of the New Testament that teaches oneness as the only truth and surrender as the practice that leads to spiritual enlightenment. NTI has been described as a loving approach to letting go of ego. It leads us to direct experience of truth by teaching us how to release the obstacles that block that experience.
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“Wisdom is being in the void. To be thoughtless. Only by being in the void can the light come through. As long as I have something going on in my mind the Light can’t come through. The Light can only come in when the mind is clear – – in a state of silence.” Hew Len, Shamanic Wisdomkeepers.
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books:
The Jesus Trilogy
A Heroic Life
In the World but Not of It
This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
“Just as a bright sun causes ice cubes to melt, in the moments when we feel connected and kind, we create a warm environment that encourages others around us to relax and open up.” Tara Brach (Radical Acceptance)
Listen to this recording
Regina Dawn Akers guides a group of committed students who would like to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy and love. This group meets weekly and all members are committed to specific assignments and practices between group meetings.
Everyone who is willing to make a commitment to healing/awakening is invited to join this group.
From tonight’s sharing:
Ground rules:
1: Honesty
2: It’s always about ME
3: No advice giving, let people have their experience
4: to take the mic, do the homework assignments for that week.
5: Keep a homework journal.
6: Follow your own guidance for your personal journey.
Assignment for the week:
Assignment A: ACIM Workbook lessons 1 thru 7. For each lesson, upon rising, First read the entire lesson, then go back and do it again. Tomorrow, 1-11-17, do lesson 1. On 1-12-17 do lesson 2 and so forth for the next seven days.
Note: For Lessons 1 through 3. Add hearing and feeling to the lessons
Notice what is coming up for you when you do the lessons, and journal.
Assignment B: Read NTI ~ Luke Chapters 12, 16, 17. Pages 151-155, and pages 161-167
Ground rules for reading: Read a little each day, slowly and contemplatively, journal whatever you are led to while doing the reading. If there is a bible icon at the beginning of verse, it is suggested that you also read the verse from the bible.
Assignment C: YouTube video ~ Watch Adyashanti on the concept of Spiritual Awakening (Found on the Awakening Together Channel – Gentle Healing playlist)
Regina’s Tips for Year 1 as an ebook
Gentle Healing Facebook group: Sharing in Contemplation Together
“The more that we can take the time to do things that bring us to center such as meditate, dance, sing, and spend time in nature, the easier it is for us to distinguish that quiet ever-present whisper in our lives.” Jana Hexter (Forget about ‘Tapping into Your Intuition’)