“There is much more to living and being healthy than saying one’s prayers and reading good books. One must study one’s every interest, and inclination, and reaction, and desire in relation to the real Christ wisdom, and love, and power, and life, and substance.” Myrtle Fillmore
Not Too Late to Watch This Month’s Movie, Temple Grandin for Movie Watchers Group on Sunday February 26, 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT
Join us for Movie Watcher’s Group on Sunday, February 26 at 8 pm ET / 5 pm PT. This month’s movie is “Temple Grandin”, The film follows Temple Grandin’s life through a series of flashbacks. As a child, Grandin (Danes) is uncommunicative and prone to tantrums and is diagnosed with autism. The medical consensus at that time was that autism is a form of schizophrenia resulting from insufficient maternal affection. Despite recommendations to place her in an institution, Grandin’s mother (Ormond) hires therapists and works to help her daughter adapt to social interaction.
The movie is available on most provider sites including HBO, Netflix, Amazon Prime, YouTube, Google Play, etc. Watch the movie with Spirit, then come and share your insights with the group. Guided movie watching allows us to experience our world and practice forgiveness without leaving our living room! It is recommended you join with Spirit in meditation or prayer prior to viewing the movie and then journal after. Watch for common themes, for characters you like or don’t like, for situations that seem to cause discomfort or joy. Contemplate what your reactions to the movie tell you about your beliefs about yourself and the world you live in. Bring what you learn back to the group and learn from others’ movie watching experience as well. Enjoy the movie and don’t forget to watch your mind!
Tips from Regina – Day 2 with Lesson 44
Yesterday I wrote that “light” and “awareness” are synonymous in Lesson 44. If you read Lesson 44 with this realization, it speaks clearly. For example, the lesson says “light and life must go together, being but different aspects of creation.” In this sentence, “creation” is a term used to mean the ‘totality of reality’. It doesn’t refer to form. It refers to the cumulative aspects of reality, such as life (isness), awareness (light), intelligence (knowledge) and love (embracing-allowance).
In Lesson 44, we are focused on one of those aspects, light (awareness). We are told, “In order to see (true vision), you must recognize that light is within, not without.” In other words, we don’t see by sunlight or light bulb. Seeing isn’t with the eyes at all. We see with awareness. As Michael Langford says in The Most Direct Means to Eternal Bliss, “Awareness is not thought. Awareness is that which is aware of thought. … Awareness is not emotions. Awareness is that which is aware of emotions. … Awareness is not the objects seen by the eyes. Awareness is that which is aware of the objects seen by the eyes.”
The other day I was taking a shower in Pondicherry, India. While in the bathroom, the electricity went out. That bathroom had no natural light, so when the electricity went out I could not see anything at all. It was as dark as the darkest cave. But I was aware I could not see. The light of awareness was continuous. This is why Lesson 44 says, “An essential part of this equipment is the light that makes seeing possible. It is with you always, making vision possible in every circumstance.”
Again, in Lesson 44 we are focused on the aspect of reality known as awareness. Because awareness is an aspect of reality, focusing on awareness is a means of awakening to reality. Therefore, as we practice awareness-watching-awareness as our means of meditation for Lesson 44, we are indeed “attempting something very holy.”
Blessings in your practice today. Love from Pueblo, Colorado
February 24, 2017 Daily Quote
“Our attempts to find lasting pleasure, lasting security, are at odds with the fact that we’re part of a dynamic system in which everything and everyone is in flux.” Pema Chödrön
This Sunday in the Sanctuary – 2-26-17
Join us this Sunday for our Weekly Gathering with Reverend Kelly Barber
Rev. Kelly Barber’s topic will be “Humility-A Loving Correction for Spiritual Pride”
Looking at the need for genuine humility on the Spiritual Path .
Reading will be “The First Step in Awakening” from The Way of Mastery
Reader will be Melissa Tollinger
Our Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Hour, hosted by Ken and Rebecca Gibson.
Monthly Movie Discussion Group
This month’s movie is Temple Grandin, The film follows Temple Grandin’s life through a series of flashbacks. As a child, Grandin (Danes) is uncommunicative and prone to tantrums and is diagnosed with autism. The medical consensus at that time was that autism is a form of schizophrenia resulting from insufficient maternal affection. Despite recommendations to place her in an institution, Grandin’s mother (Ormond) hires therapists and works to help her daughter adapt to social interaction.
Our movie discussion group will be this Sunday at 8pm ET/5pm Pacific, so check out Temple Grandin before then and share your insights with us at the movie discussion group.
Tips from Regina – Lesson 44, God is the light in which I see
This is the lesson we will stay with for 3 days in order to practice awareness-watching-awareness meditation. You can see “light” and “awareness” as synonymous, because in this context, they are.
I recommend reading the workbook lesson in full at the beginning of each of the 3 days. If you are comfortable with meditating longer than 5 minutes, go ahead and meditate longer. However, there is no need to introduce strain or a sense of self-competition. Also, you can use the shorter practices to look at awareness many times during the day for 3-5 seconds.
If you would like to review the awareness-watching-awareness meditation instructions, please go to these links:
General instructions. Please read #10-52.
Further Clarification: Pleae read #1-166.
(Note: You can ignore the instructions at the above links about how long to practice. You can follow the duration instructions in the Course workbook instead.)
Love from Frankfurt, Germany
Gina Lake & Jesus Speaking: Reading and Commentary on what He is Teaching Today – 2/22/17
Gina Lake reads a passage from one of her channeled books. The Jesus Trilogy, A Heroic Life or In the World but not of It. This is either followed with a talk by her or a channeled session with Jesus, about the passage.
Listen to this recording
February 23, 2017 Daily Quote
“Dignity without wisdom can easily be corrupted by pride. Generosity without wisdom can be corrupted by self-flattery. Without wisdom, you cannot be a perfect person – meaning that you cannot be free from complicated mind. Without freedom, your good qualities always risk being corrupted.” Kyabgön Phakchok Rinpoche
Developing Trust Interview – David "Dov" Fishman
Listen to the recording
Dov’s Story
Coming from my early Jewish upbringing and tradition, I looked out on a world which appeared unloving, unfair, prejudiced, and fast to pass judgment on anyone who did not meet with “their” standards.
Even looking within my own religion, I noticed during my teenage years, that there was disparity within the religion itself, as well as anger towards “those” outsiders who were outspoken in their feelings towards minorities.
It did not appear to me in those early days of my life that there was a lot of love in the world. Yet I was determined to go out into the world and find the Love that I believed must be there, somewhere. My life took the form of “looking for love in all the wrong places”. I went through my own mid-life crisis. Having first acquired all the props of success in my 20’s, none of it gave me the happiness that I dreamed the world offered when I followed its rules.
My spiritual rebirth came in 1972, along with Divine Guidance, “love the truth”
I found ACIM 5 years later. I was a slow learner as I counted on my intellectual ability to grok the Course by studying the Course for many years trying to connect all the dots in the 1300 pages.
It has only been the past few years that I have come to a whole new understanding of its Purpose and its Rewards. Recognizing the Voice within me as my Higher Self, The Holy Spirit that dwells within us all as my Internal Guide, I have learned Trust in a way that the Course speaks about, yet must be experienced by the Student to fully Appreciate.
I am Grateful for the recognition of our Father’s Love for us all giving us His Gift to us as Spirit who knows us as Perfect and is not fooled by the forms of this world I have given meaning to, yet can now see them through the eyes of Spirit and Forgiveness.
I had an NDE, (a near death experience) where I left my body and calmly looked down upon my body back in 1980. For many years, I had interpreted that event as seen through the eyes of my ego, where I did not know why I came back and had come up with 2 possible “meanings” which seemed rational, according to what the world would agree was “sane”.
Recently the Spiritual Eye within me gently showed me that the Peace and Calm I experienced in those moments which I looked down upon my body came from the fact that my Higher Self gave it no meaning…. that my ego thought system would give “all of its meanings” to it.
My path now is extending that experience by using my underlying mantra for looking at the world I see, recognizing that “I do not know what anything is for” from WB Lesson 25, and now Ask to have it shown to me.
It is this willingness that has provided me with a “Letting go” process. Holy Spirit recently showed me “Losing your baggage is a good thing.”
Today I use as my bottom line signature “Laughter NOW, saves lifetimes later.”
I now see that all the meanings I have given to everything in this world, including the thoughts I had when I was young and seeing the world thru the eyes of my personality, I saw what I wanted to see, and felt it was an attack on me.
I took it seriously then. Now I can step back, smile at it, recognizing that is what I wanted it to mean. What I took seriously, I can smile and laugh at it now. Thank You for asking for my story.
In Appreciation & Gratitude
Laughter Now saves lifetimes later
Always in Honor of You
In Appreciation * Gratitude
David Fishman
Facebook Page
I http://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenMindsTrust/
Open Minds for ACIM & NTI
Developing Trust since 2004
Co-founder of ONEMIND Foundation
a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.
Follow on Twitter.com @dovpeace
Laughter Now Heals!
Always in Honor of You
In Appreciation * Gratitude
David Fishman
Facebook Page
I http://www.facebook.com/groups/OpenMindsTrust/
Open Minds for ACIM & NTI
Developing Trust since 2004
Co-founder of ONEMIND Foundation
a 501 (c)(3) Tax Exempt Non-Profit Org.
Follow on Twitter.com @dovpeace
Laughter Now Heals!
Tips from Regina – Lesson 43, God is my Source. I cannot see apart from Him.
During this lesson’s practice sessions, we are asked to allow related thoughts to come to us. The lesson says, “Any thought related more or less directly to today’s idea is suitable. The thoughts need not bear any obvious relationship to the idea, but they should not be in opposition to it.”
We have seen this practice of ‘allowing related thoughts’ a few times now. This is a very helpful practice.
We all have the ability to listen to thoughts that reflect truth and point toward truth. When we allow thoughts into our mind that are related to the workbook lesson, we are tuning into that ability. The more we tune into that ability, the easier it is to access those thoughts.
Imagine it this way: You know from NTI Ephesians that we receive thoughts rather than think thoughts. Imagine thoughts flying through the air with darker (more untrue) thoughts being at a lower, heavier vibration level and with true thoughts being at a higher, lighter vibration level. Both types of thoughts are flying by, but your receiver (the mind) is tuned at a level that picks up on the heavy, more dense thoughts. Because it is so used to the density of these thoughts, it doesn’t even notice the lighter ones.
During these practices, you are learning to retrain or retune your receiver so that it notices and becomes accustomed to the lighter thoughts. Your mind is becoming sharper/more sensitive (more discerning) so that it notices the difference between the lower vibration and higher vibration thoughts, and then tunes itself to pick up the higher vibration thoughts and pull them in so you can cast attention on them.
In the Course, listening to the higher vibration thoughts is commonly called listening to the Holy Spirit or the right mind. This is the training we go through as we allow related thoughts into our mind during these practices.
It is possible that your ego will tell you that you are only making up the related thoughts that come to you as you practice the workbook lessons, but if you remember that you don’t make up thoughts, YOU RECEIVE THEM, then you will know the thought about making up related thoughts is just a lower vibration thought trying to pull you back into the lower vibration thought stream again. Stay high.
The workbook gives great instructions for staying with the higher vibration. It says, “If you find your mind wandering; if you begin to be aware of thoughts which are clearly out of accord with today’s idea, or if you seem to be unable to think of anything, open your eyes, repeat the first phase of the exercise period, and then attempt the second phase again. Do not allow any protracted period to occur in which you become preoccupied with irrelevant thoughts. Return to the first phase of the exercises as often as necessary to prevent this.”
Love from Pondicherry, India.
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