“Leave your front door open and your back door open. Allow your thoughts to come and go. Just don’t serve them tea.” Shunryu Suzuki
Audio & Homework – Week 9 Gentle Healing Group with Regina, 3/7/17
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Regina Dawn Akers guides a group of committed students who would like to make consistent, gentle progress toward genuine peace, joy and love. This group meets weekly and all members are committed to specific assignments and practices between group meetings. Everyone who is willing to make a commitment to healing/awakening is invited to join this group.
From tonight’s sharing:
Homework Assignment C: Listen to Gentle Healing Music 1 at least 2 and up to 4 times this week. When you listen, listen to the entire playlist without being engaged in any other activity.
Regina’s Tips for Year 1 as an ebook
Gentle Healing Facebook group: Sharing in Contemplation Together
Growing with NTI – 3/7/17
The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament is a scribed interpretation of the New Testament that teaches oneness as the only truth
and surrender as the practice that leads to spiritual enlightenment. NTI has been described as a loving approach to letting go of ego. It leads us to direct
experience of the truth by teaching us how to release the obstacles that block the awareness.
Growing with NTI Schedule:
Tuesday evenings 7:00-8:00 pm ET
Facilitated by Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert, Tom Conway & Connie Poole
We welcome you to join us live next week
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Tips From Regina – Regina’s Review, Lessons 51 & 52
When I see the world through my individual point of view, I see an individual world. No one else sees a world exactly like the world I see. It is as if each of us is walking around with a box on our head. Our unique worlds are drawn on the inside of our boxes, and that is all we see. We argue that we are right about our points of view, but we are not right. We are blind. In order to see, we need to take the boxes off of our heads.
Whenever I am upset, it is because I am looking at the inside of my box. There isn’t a single exception to this statement. Some ideas may be drawn inside my box in bold colors, and I mistake them as important because of their boldness, but I am looking at a colored box. The box deceives me.
Some people may have a few ideas written on the inside of their boxes that are similar to some ideas I have written inside mine, and if we get together and compare what we see, we agree that we are right; but that does not change the fact that we are each looking at a limited colored box. Our boxes deceive us.
If we took our boxes off, cut them open and laid them flat on the ground so we could see everything written on them, and then we took all of the boxes on everyone’s heads and did the same, we would be amazed at the ideas and stories that colored the vision of each individual person. Instead of being angry at those who disagreed with us, we would have compassion. “Oh,” we would say, “That is why you felt that way. I see the writing on your box. I understand now.”
The writing inside my box started with a single idea scratched upon its surface. “I.” As I stared at the one idea inside my box, I bumped into someone, and another idea was scrawled inside my box. “Other.” I held something soft and pleasurable in my hands, and then felt the “other” take it from me. “Mine,” “victim” and “defend” appeared on the box. And in this way, the ideas multiplied until a complex web of ideas colored the inside of my box, all birthed out of the original idea, “I”.
This box has become its own little universe. It is filled with so many ideas, that it entertains me all day everyday and all night every night. With so much entertainment coming from the box, I have lost the sense of curiosity about the outside world. I have become so accustomed to the dark that I no longer crave the light.
With the box on my head, I see only what is scrawled upon the box. That is blindness. Because I have accepted the box as my universe, and because I have become comfortable in my own little world, whether I am happy, upset or suffering because of what is written on the box, I feel sheltered by it. I don’t know what is outside of my box, and I don’t really want to peek outside to see. To me, the known is better than the unknown. I have become accustomed to the familiar scribbles inside my box.
Common sense can see that this spell, my fascination with my box, needs to be broken. It isn’t healthy. It isn’t true. … It isn’t true. … That’s the problem. I fooled myself into thinking that the world inside my box is true, but it isn’t true. The box deceives me.
March 7, 2017 Daily Quote
“Finding … does not come from seeking. Finding … comes from relinquishing the search. Relax and soften … it will shine … when it shines.” Wu Hsin
Truth Teachings from Eastern Wisdom – 3/6/17
The Tao Te Ching, Verse 3:
Contemplation. Not seeking recognition and choosing to move inward rather than following the pull of the ego into the material world. The characteristics of being a sage, or One with the Tao.
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Tips From Regina – Instructions for Review Lessons 51-60
The instructions for Review 1 are fairly flexible. For example, you are told that “if any one of the five ideas appeals to you more than the others, concentrate on that one.”
The flexibility in the instructions allows you to develop a personal relationship with the review lessons.
When Helen scribed the review lessons, she also wrote a paragraph below each lesson. We do not know if this paragraph was fully scribed or if it is a reflection of her personal relationship with the lesson. In the instructions, you are asked to read these paragraphs, but you are also told that it is “not necessary to cover the comments that follow each idea either literally or thoroughly in the practice periods. Try, rather, to emphasize the central point, and think about it as part of your review of the idea to which it relates.” This might be because the comments are Helen’s personal relationship with each lesson. Rather than emphasizing her personal relationship, it is more helpful for you to develop your own personal relationship.
One way to develop your own personal relationship with the lessons is to contemplate each lesson and then write your own comments, comments that reflect your relationship with the lesson.
My intention for the review period is to spend time each morning contemplating the day’s review lessons and writing my own comments. Throughout the day, I will spend at least two minutes each hour deeply contemplating one lesson and the comments I wrote for that lesson. At the end of the day, I will reread the lessons and comments in the workbook along with my own comments.
If this feels right for you, please feel free to do the same. Developing your own relationship with the lessons as we do the review can be extremely, extremely helpful.
I will post my comments for Lesson 51 as an example.
Regina’s personal comments for Lesson 51:
1. Nothing I see means anything. I do not see with the body’s eyes. I see either with the mind or the heart. It is not what I see, but what I see with that gives meaning. When I see with the mind, I am lost in an individualistic illusion that has no meaning at all. When I see with the heart, I am in communication with my true Self. When I am in communication with my true Self, I know my real thoughts. My real thoughts are meaning.
2. I have given what I see all the meaning it has for me. This is true when I see with the mind. When I see the world through my individual point of view, I see an individual world. No one else sees a world exactly like the world I see when I see through the mind. When I see with the heart, however, it is different. When I see with the heart, meaning is not supplied from the outside or by thoughts. The meaning is my Self. What I am, I see. If I see anything that is not what I am, it is as thin as aging gauze.
3. I do not understand anything I see. When I see with my mind, my seeing is colored by my thoughts. Sometimes my thoughts are so dense, I walk about in the world without seeing the world at all; all I see are the thoughts in my mind. My thoughts are an obstacle; they hide or distort everything I see. Things that are hidden or distorted are not understood. Far from it. They are missed entirely.
4. These thoughts do not mean anything. My unique point of view is 1 out of 7,376,000,000 unique points of view in the world today. It is as if each of us is walking around with a box on our head. Our unique worlds are drawn on the inside of our boxes, and that is all we see. We argue that we are right about our points of view, but we are not right. We are blind. In order to see, we need to take the boxes off of our heads.
5. I am never upset for the reason I think. When I am upset, it is because of the box on my head. I will know peace-life-love if I remove the box, because peace-life-love is what I am.
March 6, 2017 Daily Quote
“Every transformation demands as its precondition “the ending of a world” – the collapse of an old philosophy of life.” Carl Jung
Common Ground Mini-Series: Maria Felipe – Part 1 of 4
The time has come to get out of your own way so you can experience the happiness you deserve. In this inspiring mini-series, international spiritual teacher Maria Felipe introduces core teachings from A Course In Miracles and her forthcoming book Live Your Happy explaining how they can help you connect with your inner teacher, get the “cuckoo voice of your ego” out of the way, and access your personal power and inherent joy.
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Maria’s website: MariaFelipe.org
Maria’s book: Live Your Happy
Awakening Together Weekly Gathering – 3/5/17
Rev. Gloria Wells Topic: “Paradox of riding the ox”.
The reading will come from Leo Hartong’s book Awakening to the dream – the gift of lucid living. Her reader was Rubye Nassar.
Lyn Johnson served as Musical Director and Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
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