The Tao Te Ching, Verse 5:
Contemplation of Verse 5, holding onto the center, man’s role as being quiet and abiding in the true nature, finding the silent place, self observation.
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A universal assembly for true discernment
The Tao Te Ching, Verse 5:
Contemplation of Verse 5, holding onto the center, man’s role as being quiet and abiding in the true nature, finding the silent place, self observation.
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“When wisdom and love and life and power prompt your thoughts, you are living and moving and having your being in the very presence of God, and you know that all is well.” Myrtle Fillmore
The time has come to get out of your own way so you can experience the happiness you deserve. In this inspiring mini-series, international spiritual teacher Maria Felipe introduces core teachings from A Course In Miracles and her forthcoming book Live Your Happy explaining how they can help you connect with your inner teacher, get the “cuckoo voice of your ego” out of the way, and access your personal power and inherent joy.
Maria’s book: Live Your Happy
Listen to this audio or watch the video below.
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert interviewed Paul for this program. Paul Hedderman is a favorite of many from the AA community because he has been active with the recovery community since 1988. Paul has exceptional clarity and a rather unconventional presentation style.
Barbara Deurwaarder served as Sanctuary Administrator.
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It may be helpful to pick a few lines from today’s lesson that really jumps out at you, and write a few related thoughts about each of those sentences. I did that this morning after practicing the longer morning meditation. Here is my journaling:
“The purpose of the world you see is to obscure your function of forgiveness, and provide you with a justification for forgetting it.” The world presents many things to think about. I can see that the world is nothing but endless stimuli for thought. However, my purpose now is to ‘forget everything. Become the spontaneous moment and nothing else.’ I am heart-committed to my purpose. Therefore, I will recognize the world’s stimuli as temptation, and I will remember my purpose. I will do this, because I want to. I am ready to let go of endless attention on mind.
“Your function here is to be the light of the world.” The light of the world is the purity of what I am, untainted by story-focused thinking. It is the Self as it is. Nothing else.
“Only by fulfilling the function given you by God will you be happy.” The mind cannot be perfectly happy. The mind itself is fear energy. When the mind begins to wander, subtle to intense fear fuels its wandering. It promises happiness at the end of its search, but it never finds what it promises, because its basis is fear.
“Let not the form of the decision deceive you. Complexity of form does not imply complexity of content.” Every decision is one of fear or freedom. To let the mind seek for a solution is to choose the perception of fear. To watch and see how spontaneity unfolds is freedom. Fear hides being. Freedom reveals it.
“We have to find a way to get beyond our self-image and our ideas about who we are. We have to discover the face that we already had before we were born, who we were in God all along, before we did anything right or wrong. This is the first goal of contemplation. This “I” is capable of union with God.” Richard Rohr
The purpose of today’s workbook lesson is to motivate us to practice forgiveness. When you allow related thoughts to come to you today, allow the thoughts that motivate you. Maybe your motivation is a little different than ‘salvation of the world.’ That’s ok. Whatever it is, let it come.
For my morning contemplation, I put pen to paper and just let the thoughts come as they did. I wrote that I want what I have always wanted:
1 – Truth.
2 – Purity/Be Only Love.
This was clarifying for me. Sometimes people say they are awakened, and then they do things I do not understand, things that go against my own heart. At this stage, that is all I need to know. What they do goes against my heart. Truth without purity, if that is possible, is not my desire. That does not motivate me. I want truth with purity. I trust that truth with purity, because of what it is, is healing for the world, and I am happy to let that energy flow through me to heal the world.
I have rewritten today’s lesson for me in order to have more motivating power for me. My lesson is:
The light of the world brings peace to every mind through my forgiveness. I am the means God has appointed for the salvation of the world. I am purity, pure peace, pure love, truth unadulterated. That is my nature. My nature is realized through forgiveness.
As I look at this, I feel motivated. Each time I say it to myself, my heart opens. It is the right version of today’s lesson for me. Feel free to find the right version of today’s lesson for you. And then, let additional related thoughts come to you throughout the day.
“Sitting in silence creates space for the joy of being.” Adyashanti
What is forgiveness? It is letting go of the untrue and placing attention with the true instead.
When you read A Course in Miracles, it is helpful to know that the thoughts its scribe suffered from were attack thoughts. Her mind fiercely attacked nearly every person she ever met. There were a few people who sparked compassion in her, but the majority of her experience was one of attack. Since this was her primary experience, the Course focuses on attack. After all, she was writing this Course for herself.
Each one of us must begin this journey of forgiveness from where we are now. There is no place else to start. That means one thing we can each do is become familiar with the types of thoughts that plague our mind the most, and begin by letting go of those thoughts first.
In my story of ‘The Code,’ I was focused on letting go of hate thoughts. That job was big enough for me at that time. There were other times on my journey when I was focused on letting go of expectations of others, of thoughts of foreboding or of self-judgment. Now I am letting go of simple busyness of mind, which I can finally see is nothing but fear-energy.
If you notice your thinking patterns, and then sit down and contemplate what you see with inner wisdom, what type of thinking is helpful for you to focus on first? What type of thinking causes you the most unhappiness now? If you pick one genre of thought that causes unhappiness in you and begin by focusing forgiveness on that type of thought, you can make progress fairly quickly (in weeks or months) with one type of thinking. From that, you will increase forgiveness skills and you will see genuine results. You will have the actual experience of more freedom. This encouragement will increase both your willingness and confidence.
As you contemplate today’s workbook lesson, why not ask within, “Where shall I begin the process of forgiveness?” See if some genuine insight comes. If it does, begin this journey by practicing forgiveness with those thoughts with vigilance.