Many people who study A Course in Miracles study at the level of mind–at the the level of thinking–so when they come to Lesson 94, they adopt the idea, “I am as God created me,” including their imagination of what that means to them. It doesn’t penetrate very deep, because it is only at the level of mind.
We are now at the phase of Self-inquiry. Self-inquiry has nothing to do with thinking. Self-inquiry is LOOKING. For people who believe everything is resolved by thinking, it takes practice to drop thinking and practice looking, but it can be done. With looking you have the attitude of, “What am I?” and then you LOOK with inner-looking, intuitive looking, to realize the answer.
Today’s workbook lesson says that today’s idea, “I am as God created me,” is “the one idea which brings complete salvation.” Please pardon that language. It isn’t actually the idea that brings salvation, which I am sure many Course students can attest to if they choose to be honest. It is the REALIZING of this, the inner knowing if this, that is salvation.
Remember, the “I am a body” belief is the basis of the ego thought system. If you can see that you are not a body, you render the entire ego thought system meaningless. (If you did not read my tip for Lesson 93, please read it at this link:…/ )
Again today, we will practice looking to see what we are for 5 minutes every hour. If you can’t give that time every hour, give at least Bentinho’s 2-5 seconds of looking each hour. (Obviously, do 5 minutes when you can and give 2-5 seconds when you can’t give 5 minutes.)
Also, listen to the following 14-minute video at least once today. Your homework includes the assignment to practice awareness-watching-awareness for 10-15 minutes each day. If you are short on time today, you can count this video as your awareness-watching-awareness time today. Please listen to it with eyes closed