Topic: “Silencing the Thinking Mind”
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert discussed learning to release dependence on the thinking mind by placing trust with Inner Wisdom.
The reading was A Conversation with Inner Wisdom. Her reader was Connie Poole..
A universal assembly for true discernment
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert discussed learning to release dependence on the thinking mind by placing trust with Inner Wisdom.
The reading was A Conversation with Inner Wisdom. Her reader was Connie Poole..
A Conversation with Inner Wisdom reading
What is God’s plan for salvation? In the language of the Course, it is forgiveness. What is forgiveness? It is removing your attention from the untrue.
Removing attention from problems.
Removing attention from grievances.
Removing attention from fears.
Removing attention from regrets.
Removing attention from jealousies and envies.
Removing attention from judgments.
Removing attention from all of our ideas about how other people should be.
Removing attention from all thoughts about our weaknesses and shortcomings.
Removing attention from our doubts that the truth is true.
Today’s lesson says, “We take a stand on but one side today. We side with truth and let illusions go. We will not vacillate between the two, but take a firm position with the One.”
If you notice your attention has gone to illusory thoughts, simply remind yourself that you accept your function as spirit, gently remove your attention from anything you do not want to enliven with spirit, and place attention with …
With what?
A careful reading of today’s lesson will reveal that you are being guided to place attention with happiness and gratitude. So when you catch attention with illusory thoughts, you might ask yourself, “What happiness can I place my attention with now? What can I be grateful for?”
A bird’s song may catch your ear, and you might recognize the simple joy of life and place attention there. You may notice your own honest willingness for truth, and feel gratitude for your sincerity. You might feel a contraction in your chest because of the fear you were focused on a moment ago, and feel grateful that your attention can now go to rest, accept and trust.
Today is a chance to make a deeper commitment to our function. It’s another new beginning. Be still during the 5-minute breaks and contemplate how much you want to make this commitment today. Enjoy the opportunity to live the commitment during the other 55 minutes of each hour today.
Today we give the gifts of happiness and gratitude to ourselves and to the world
“It is the mind that tells you that the mind is there. Don’t be deceived. All of the endless arguments about the mind are produced by the mind itself, for its own protection, continuation, and expansion.” Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj
Sh-h-h-h-h. Listen. What do you hear?
That’s spirit.
What’s listening?
You can’t get away from it. Spirit, everywhere.
Look at this verse from the Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, “It is I who am the light over all. It is I who am the entirety: it is from me that the entirety has come, and to me that the entirety goes. Split a piece of wood: I am there. Lift a stone, and you will find me there.”
Here’s another verse from the Gospel of Thomas:
Jesus said, “I have cast fire upon the world, and look, I’m guarding it until it blazes.”
What is the fire?
Realization of spirit.
Today’s workbook lesson says that the Holy Spirit will take each little 5 minute period we give today, and it will be multiplied “a thousandfold and tens of thousands more. And when it is returned to you, it will surpass in might the little gift you gave as much as does the radiance of the sun outshine the tiny gleam [of] a firefly.”
Fire cast upon the world, blazing.
Today, be a part of this fire. Contemplate this:
Whatever you are aware of today is spirit.
You, which is aware, is spirit.
Contemplate the everywhereness of spirit, the allness of spirit.
“The kingdom is within you and it is outside you.” ~ The Gospel of Thomas
Let the entire day be given to contemplation of spirit. It will be with you throughout the day everywhere that you go and in everything that you do.
The most important thing about today’s lesson is that we continue to practice looking at awareness for 5 minutes every hour. When we can’t do that, we at least say today’s lesson to our self and practice Bentinho’s 2-5 seconds. This practice of looking at awareness frequently is much more helpful than you may imagine. Literally, your salvation (awakening) comes from paying attention to your Self (awareness).
Remember, you are praying for whatever you pay attention to. We learned this in NTI Ephesians. Pay attention to the world and your thoughts about it, and you get more of the ongoing dream script. Pay attention to awareness, and you will come to know your true Self as a direct experience. (Salvation comes from my one Self.)
There are some other fun little games you can play that will help bring Self-realization into your experience.
~ When you are with another person, contemplate their awareness. No matter what they are saying or doing, contemplate the fact that underneath personality and individual thoughts, their awareness is exactly the same as yours.
~ When you are with a pet, contemplate its awareness. Notice as your pet looks out of its eyes. Realize the awareness looking out through the pet’s eyes is the same awareness that looks out through your eyes.
~ When you are with nature, contemplate life. Contemplate the aliveness in a tree, an insect, a bird, a flower, grass, etc. Realize that the aliveness in nature is the same life-force that is in you, and then contemplate Life as what you are.
Today’s workbook lesson says, “Spirit makes use of mind as means to find its Self expression. And the mind which serves the spirit is at peace and filled with joy.”
As you look at awareness, contemplate awareness, and contemplate life, you will come to see life-awareness-intelligence as what you are. This is what the Course calls spirit. You will come to see it as playing through the human body and mind just like the air from the musician’s breath plays through the flute. Seeing yourself as life-awareness-intelligence playing through the human is much different than thinking you are the human, the body or the mind. When you see in this way, you know the difference between the real and unreal. You also see your Self in other people, in animals, and in nature. You begin to sense your eternal ongoing nature, and you experience happiness that unattached; happiness that simply is.
Today as we practice “Salvation comes from my one Self,” embrace every opportunity to contemplate our one Self, and “you lay another treasure in your growing store” of Self-realization.
“Our existence is trapped between desire and fear in the context of time. The core of our problem then lies in thought, which is the creator of time.” Ramesh Balsekar
Today’s lesson is really subtle. It’s an important lesson. It’s also a lesson that the ego can’t understand. Let’s look at it carefully and slowly so it can be understood and digested beyond the ego mind.
“I am one Self, united with my Creator.” If this is true (and it is true), can I do anything apart from my Creator? In order to do something apart from my Creator, we’d have to be two, wouldn’t we?
This means that if I forget the lesson for a few hours, or if I remember but I have too much resistance to give 5 minutes to practice, that I am forgetting or resisting WITH my creator.
Yep. This may not seem right to you, but if it doesn’t seem right it is because you are still thinking of your creator as something other than you.
Remember The Code. The entire world experience, including every thought that comes into your mind and every feeling that comes into your body, comes from our oneness and how we cast attention. Our oneness is the creator. So if we are distracted from remembering the lesson, where do those distractions come from? My creator of which I am a part. And if I have too much resistance to practice, where does that resistance come from? My creator of which I am a part.
When the ego mind thinks it understands this, it thinks, “Then I don’t even need to try because everything is God.” That’s not a right understanding. Again, remember The Code. The code that we create has different vibrational levels in it. When we choose the highest level available to us, we raise higher in vibration.
Look carefully at today’s lesson again. Look at paragraphs 8, 9 & 10. Can you see how those paragraphs are teaching you to make higher choices so you raise yourself in vibration?
~ If you forget, forgive yourself.
~ Overlook your lapses/failures; don’t give them any power.
~ Try again to remember with regularity.
All three of these choices will pull you up in vibration. Their opposites would keep you down.
Paragraph 8 says, “The Holy Spirit is not delayed in His teaching by your mistakes. He can be held back only by your unwillingness to let them go.” Translation: Choosing to believe a lower vibration thought/feeling cannot keep you down; only continuing to believe lower vibration thoughts/feelings can keep you down.
So when you make a mistake, correct it as soon as possible by choosing the highest vibrational thought available to you now. That is, forgive yourself, don’t give power to ideas like failure or guilt, and try again.
Also, look at paragraph 14. We are the creator, which means as you choose to raise yourself in vibration, you also raise the world in vibration, and “each time you do so, someone hears the voice of hope, the stirring of the truth within his mind, the gentle rustling of wings of peace.”
“I am one Self, united with my Creator.” With this knowledge, I choose the highest vibration available to me today.
If you’d like to review The Code, click this link. The Bonus audio is a good one for a review:
“Reject everything for a moment and come to that which cannot be rejected, for that alone is complete. When you are one with this recognition, all becomes pure and clear. Only then are you able to exhale the collected tensions and burdens of conceptualism.” Mooji
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