The Member Board consists of five to twelve member-servant leaders of good standing. The President-Minister, Vice-President Minister and Sanctuary Director serve as Trustees and are selected by the Board of Directors. The remaining trustees are either founding members or were elected by Awakening Together membership. The Member Board is subordinate to the Board of Directors. The primary purpose of the Member Board is to manage the assembly’s day-to-day affairs in accordance with the Awakening Together purpose and values.
Our Member Board Trustees are:
Rev. Regina Dawn Akers
Regina is the founder and ordained President-Minister of Awakening Together. She realized the vision for Awakening Together after a year of contemplating quotes from Ramana Maharshi, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and The Yoga Vasistha. Prior to that, she was a student of A Course in Miracles (ACIM) and the scribe of three books: The Holy Spirit’s Interpretation of the New Testament (NTI), The Teachings of Inner Ramana and Thoughts of Awakening. Regina began teaching from inner wisdom in 2005. She is the author of Awakening Together’s Minister Preparation Program, the Gentle Healing Curriculum and a regular speaker in our Sanctuary. Link to her full bio.
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Jacquelyn is Awakening Together’s Vice President, an Awakening Together Ordained Minister, and a founding Trustee. Jacquelyn is a graduate of Harvard Law School and is a retired District Court Judge. She has a substantial history with nonprofits including service on several nonprofit boards in roles including chair, vice-chair, and secretary. Jacquelyn grew up reading Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery and Emmet Fox, began studying A Course in Miracles in the early 1980’s, and has continued to pursue an ultimate understanding of the Self through numerous non-dual teachings. Link to her full bio.
Dawn Fernandez
Dawn Fernandez is the Awakening Together Sanctuary Director, an Awakening Together Licensed Minister, and she is on the Member Board of Trustees. She is also currently participating in the Minister’s Preparation Program in order to eventually become an Ordained Minister. Her spiritual journey began back in 2008 with Eckhart Tolle’s teachings, and soon other modern day teachers such as Adyashanti came in, and from then on her desire has been to Awaken to Truth’s Presence. She hopes to be of service to Spirit and to Awakening Together in such a way as to embody the teachings and Presence itself.

Helen Avery has been a minister with Awakening Together since February 2016. She teaches regularly in the Sanctuary and manages Awakening Together’s Facebook page. British-born, she now lives in Brooklyn NY with her partner Bill and their dog Millie where she is a writer, business journalist and yoga teacher. Helen was elected to the Member Board of Trustees in July 2017. Helen is the Secretary of the Member Board of Trustees and manages the Awakening Together Facebook Group.
Rev. Jay McCormick
Jay has been drawn to the divine from a young age. He serves as the chair of two committees: The Webmaster Subcommittee, and the Event Scholarship Subcommittee. Jay is an Awakening Together Ordained Minister, and actively facilitates MPP courses for other ministerial students. His studies after his traditional bachelors led to a Doctorate in Divinity. Both grounded in practical disciplines and intellectual study, Jay practices the application and teaching of all the truth principles he studies. Jay is a founding Trustee, regularly presents weekly gatherings on Sunday morning, and participates in Course in Miracles study group in his area. Jay periodically travels on pilgrimages throughout the world for inspiration. Jay was re-elected for a second term as a Trustee in 2019. Jay’s blog is

Doreen became consciously aware of her spiritual journey in her mid 20s when the book, “Spiritual Growth”, by Sanaya Roman, appeared in her life. Little did she know this book would change the trajectory her path would take. Since then, she has been a seeker of spiritual truth with a goal of raising the consciousness of humanity. She has a BA in Communication/Public Relations and is a graduate of the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts with an emphasis on Asian Bodywork Therapy. She is also a graduate of Inner Visions Institute of Spiritual Development. Doreen was elected to the Member Board of Trustees in July 2017.

Anne grew up in a family where EST training was a part of daily life. Later in life, she began attending the Center for Conscious Living in Moorestown, New Jersey, where she began to refamiliarize herself with various New Thought and nondual teachings. Anne jumped with both feet into sincere and dedicated full time spiritual practice when she joined Awakening Together on an India Pilgrimage. Anne teaches regularly in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. In her weekly program, Unfiltered, Anne shares her experience of purification and awakening, unfiltered and as it happens. Raw, reflective, brave, and infused with clarity, Anne’s open honesty inspires us all to dive deep into the spiritual journey instead of simply skimming the surface. Anne was elected to the Member Board of Trustees in August 2018.

Kathy was raised Catholic and introduced to A Course in Miracles in the late 1980’s. Kathy says, “Out went the Catholic Church and ACIM became my everyday singular focus, my Love, and its lessons my practice for over 25 years.” Several months prior to Awakening Together’s inception, she felt a strong intuition to put ACIM aside. Months later, she attended a retreat where Regina announced the formation of Awakening Together. Instinctively, Kathy knew Awakening Together was for her. She says, “I love our core values. I love our MPP curriculum. I love our inclusivity, cooperation, companionship, caring, and commitment.” Kathy was elected to the Member Board of Trustees in August 2018.

George Maddox has been an AT member for several years and presents “Love’s Voice” in the sanctuary. Ordained as a minister through “The Voice for Love”, DavidPaul and Candace Doyle’s organization, George has been a student of the Realization of Self for over 20 years. Raised in traditional churches, he was led to Unity and A Course in Miracles, where he has been active in many awakening groups throughout the years. He is a University of Missouri graduate, and resides in Nashville, TN, with his wife and life partner, Liz. He’s been active in all of the churches he’s attended, serving on Boards and Committees, and is currently a ministerial student in the AT MPP Program. George was elected to the Member Board of Trustees in 2019.