All times are Eastern Standard Time. Look below for helpful links.
**12:00 pm – Trusting Trust – Rhoda Makled**
With more questions than answers, Rhoda explores the return to innocence. Raw, authentic and with the faith of a mustard seed she uncovers her path to trusting, trust.
12:30 pm – Inspired Sharing – Carla Mahle
Carla will share from her heart on the ways in which Awakening is daily becoming a living practice. And share how recent happenings and insights/gifts are currently presenting on her journey in healing
1:00 pm – Unfiltered – Anne Blanchard
Anne Blanchard shares her experience of purification and awakening, unfiltered and as it happens. Raw, reflective, brave, and infused with clarity, Anne’s open honesty inspires us all to dive deep into the spiritual journey instead of simply skimming the surface.
2:00 pm – Life as Love – Rev. Helen Avery
Rev. Helen Avery shares candid experiences from her path of awakening. Drawing on the words of Mooji, Regina Dawn Akers and other non-dual teachers, she shares the love and fear that arises as she commits to a practice of Self-inquiry, contemplation and listening to inner guidance.
3:00 pm – As it Is – Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert
Rev. Jacquelyn Eckert shares with honesty and passion about the ups, downs, and all-arounds of the spiritual journey. Jacquelyn is transparent as she shares about the impersonal awakening process we all experience. She moves us with stories from her own journey, with direct insight from inner wisdom and with guidance from spiritual masters, both contemporary and legendary.
4:00 -5:30 pm – Awakening Together Radio will play during this time
5:30 pm – Letting Go of Fear – Michelle Costa
In this program Michelle will be sharing her journey of letting go the blocks to love and also be sharing from her journal.
6:00 pm – Love’s Voice – Rev. George Maddox
Rev. George is a minister through the Voice for Love. He shares weekly about his journey in awakening to the One True Self. He shares from his contemplations, various MPP teachings and curriculum, and other non-dual teachers. His open dialogue is a spontaneous unfolding where he aims to allow Spirit to flow through and guide what is most helpful to be shared.
6:30 pm – Joel Goldsmith Study Group – Rev. Hank Hamilton
Rev. Hank Hamilton is an Awakening Together Minister. In this program, Hank shares the audios and various teachings of Joel Goldsmith, a mystical teacher from the 1950’s who taught The Infinite Way. Joel’s teachings are heavily influenced by the Christian tradition but with a mystical emphasis on our Oneness with God. You are invited to come and listen to the rich wisdom that Joel Goldsmith has to offer.
7:30 pm – A lot to Say About Nothing – Rev Billy Sinitris
Rev. Billy is an Awakening Together Minister. In this program, he shares from various non-dual teachings and teachers such as the Gospel of Thomas, Nisargadatta Maharaj, and A Course in Miracles. Come and enjoy the spontaneous upliftment of what comes through as Billy teaches what he has learned through practicing the art of holding both, living in the Tao, and learning to abide in zero.
8:30 pm – One Journey Together – Joanne Schneider
Joanne Schneider is an Awakening Together Minister and on our Board of Directors. She is currently sharing from the book The Art of Peace and Happiness by Rupert Spira. Come and join in on this deep discussion on the metaphysics of what Rupert shares about realization.
9:00 pm- Loving It All & NTI – Rubye Nasser
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**9:30 pm – The Deep Embrace – Dawn Fernandez**
Dawn is the Sanctuary Director of Awakening Together. In this program, Dawn explores deep teachings and the profundity of actualizing the inherent wisdom that is beyond the words. In exploring the deep, unfathomably Mystery that IS, she hopes to convey the message that we are this Mystery ever richly unfolding. Ultimately, this too, is God. We are that which we have yearned for and with each weekly half hour she will dive deeper into the embrace of this Living Reality of Oneness beyond all imaginations, concepts, logic, and words. Come and see where this unfolding takes us all!
Enter the Sanctuary or see the complete listing of speakers.
All Times are Eastern Standard Time – See helpful links below.