Lesson 139, I will accept the Atonement for myself.
Who you are is All Knowing Oneness. In this you have no choice. For there to be a choice about who you are, there would have to be identities for you to choose between.
You could choose personhood and separation (fear, guilt, death, etc.). Or you could make a choice fot truth or forgiveness or peace or love or life.
The deceived mind thinks it is a separate person because it identifies with separate thoughts (fear, guilt, death, etc.) What one must realize is this mistaken identity must be given up because it doesn’t exist. If you think your life is being a real person living in the world then you will see life with choices. But the choices are between illusions and what kind of choice is that? That isn’t a real choice.
The real choice comes from the one who seeks the truth. This one sees what one isn’t. This one comes to see that personhood and separation (fear, guilt, death, etc.) do not exist and never have occurred. This one is the one who makes their mind ready for truth. This complete acceptance is the Atonement. It is the correction for the seeming separation. This is our part: Accepting the Atonement for ourselves.