Lesson 65. My only function is the one God gave me.
In yesterday’s tip, Regina gave us the following assignment:
As you look at thoughts today and tomorrow, try to see beyond the story being presented to the content of the thought. The content is the energy that the thought represents. Is it fear? Worry? Guilt? Unworthiness? Attack? Defense? Jealousy? Control? etc.
After you notice the content, ask yourself, “Is [content] what I want?” It will be easy to see it isn’t. Then you can genuinely go on to say, “This thought reflects a goal that is preventing me from accepting my function.”
Here is how I applied the lesson when I experienced an upset. The “story” was: I am upset because someone agreed to help me with a project, but now seems to be welching on her promise. Her actions make me angry because they result in a burden to me.
When I looked at the content of the thought, it felt as if the energy was anger at being overburdened. In looking more closely at that energy, I realized I was also angry at others for what seemed to be the same reason. I was led to look, however, at what being overburdened seems to say about me.
I realized that I am concerned that others might think I am unable to fulfill my own obligations. If I am unable to fulfill my obligations, I am not capable of being who I need to be to take on the role of President Minister for Awakening Together. I realized my fear of being incapable (aka, unworthiness or incompetence) is projected as anger onto others who seem to add to my burden.
I realized that this projection of anger only leads me to believe the truth of the fear that I am not enough and cannot be enough. I realized that I should let go my desire to do what is beyond my capacity to do. I asked, “What is here now that can be let go so that I do not continue to feed myself the energy that is generated when l believe that I am overburdened?”
I can see that I don’t want to feed the idea that “I can never do enough” back into the code. Is incompetence what I want? Of course not. I can see that this idea is false and that by continuing to believe it, I create multiple situations where that seems to be true. I can see that this thought reflects a goal that is preventing me from accepting my function. By being willing to let go believing it and recognizing that it is only code, my experience of my tasks and duties will change. In other words, if I keep insisting I am incapable of completing the work that needs to be done, that will be my experience. The higher vibration thought is, what needs to be done, will be done.