Title: “Walking in Faith”
Description: Jay McCormick shares that, “Walking by faith means not always knowing where you are being led – it means loving and trusting the Voice Within above my own voice. It is making choices based not on reason and understanding, but on trusting THAT which calls us. Both in times of great loss as well in times of choices that make a directional shift in your life, these are times when the faith we have is tested and with trust and willingness we can have confidence not based on a sure outcome, but a sure state of mind – peace. This becomes the new measure of success, the currency of awakening, PEACE.”
Reading: Kathy Smith read from NTI Matthew, Chapter 11
Weekly gathering is held every Sunday morning at 10:15am ET in the Awakening Together Sanctuary. Join us after the Gathering for our Fellowship Time, hosted by Kate Brennan.